Coherence Mode in PD7 with OS X 10.8 does not work

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by NeeravU, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    @Russell Sharpe, @YutakaG - your cases looks like software/hardware specific, I submitted your requests to support, please post here once the issue is fixed.
  2. YutakaG

    YutakaG Bit poster

    It there any fixing information here? Sorry I can't find them.

    Again I tried uninstall Parallels Tools completely as
    Uninnstall, Remove folders, registries, empty temp folders, empty trash, shutdown, reboot, then install again.
    But nothing changed. It's not fixed.
  3. MassimilianoF

    MassimilianoF Bit poster

    Hi Andrew,

    in coherence mode when using cmd-tab I have strange behaviors.
    After cycling to another windows window/app the windows start menu open and if I click anywhere in the area of the window/app which is now in foreground the windows window/app in background come to foreground.
    Please note it does happen only when cycling from a windows window/app to another windows window/app. If I cycle from mac window/app to windows window/app or viceversa the behavior is ok.

    The ID of the problem is 23480232

    Thanks for your support.
  4. PatrickSS

    PatrickSS Bit poster

    Any updates? Outlook 2010 on 10.8 with Parallels 8 / Coherence is still a mess -- easy to repro -- just try using the email client for five minutes and notice window behavior, content not refreshing until moused over, etc.
  5. denpashonen

    denpashonen Member


    Has this been addressed in PD9? I hate to think Parallels released a new version without fixing this. It renders their best selling feature, Coherence, unusable.
  6. PatrickSS

    PatrickSS Bit poster

    Seems like it. See *almost* no more issues with Outlook after having upgraded to PD9.
  7. Moglei

    Moglei Bit poster

    Coherence worked fine with parallels 7 and OSX 10.8.3 and 10.8.4, but since i updated to 10.8.5 the "windows don't come to foreground"-issue is a occurring on my system as well. Cause I'm new to MAC, i didn't backup the system before installing a IMO security-update. In windows it is neither a problem to undo a update or install a version of it before an update. Found out that this is one of the things OSX isn't handier then win.

    Is anybody else experiencing the same Problems after updating to 10.8.5 ? New installing of the parallels tools as suggested didn't solve the issue. I will try now to downgrade the OSX via internetrecovery. If this will work and the coherence will work normaly after it, I will post an update about this.
  8. denpashonen

    denpashonen Member

    If Parallels addressed the bug fix on paid upgrade path only, shame on them. If it's a known bug, I expect fully to have them release a bug fix without having to pony up $50.
  9. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    The changes that are involved with making older software compatible with a new OS release (either Mac or Windows) are significant. Parallels always works hard to support the two most recent versions of our software. As with any business (and even people’s personal finances) we have a finite set of resources. Because we strive for the best compatibility and deepest integration with both Mac and Windows releases, it is simply not feasible to back-port new technologies and functionalities into all of our previous versions, especially since both Apple and Microsoft are releasing significant updates at about the same time. We do not like to see our customers surprised after upgrading either a Mac or Windows OX, and believe that by posting this Service Announcement, out Parallels Desktop 7 customers can be prepared if they do decide to upgrade to the new OS when it is released. There will be no further updates to Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac.

    As a PD7 customer, you do not need to purchase a full new license – but you are able to purchase an upgrade key for Parallels Desktop 9.
  10. denpashonen

    denpashonen Member

    I see. So, since I'm a PD8 customer, should I expect bug fix patch/release which will resolve this issue?
  11. denpashonen

    denpashonen Member

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  12. asbjornu

    asbjornu Bit poster

    I'm having this problem in PD8 with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012 specifically. Problem reported with ID 30444928.
  13. asbjornu

    asbjornu Bit poster

    This problem still exists in PD10 (with Windows 8.1 and OS X 10.9.5). I have reported the problem and it has been escalated to technical (level 2) support. I find it appalling that a huge problem like this can exist for so long and through so many versions of Parallels without it being fixed.
  14. StanislavZ

    StanislavZ Hunter

    Parallels Desktop 10 update with the fix for this infamous Coherence issue is coming soon.
    Please stay tuned and sorry it took so long.
    asbjornu likes this.
  15. JohnMA

    JohnMA Bit poster

    This is the solution:
    Virtual Machine > Configure > Advanced > Time > Do not sync
    It is a time sync issue. Running Windows 7 on Parallels 8.
    Solved by a helpful Parallels support person in January 2013 by installing software that enabled her to remotely control and fix it on my computer during an audio call. I was assured it would be fixed in the next update of Parallels 8.
    The 22 months that have since passed without a fix shows the level of care and attention this company has for their customers.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  16. JohnMA

    JohnMA Bit poster

    [Parallels #1563959] Technical Issue
    16 January 2013
    Hello John,
    Thank you for your time and cooperation during the session.
    During the session we have found out that Dynamic Resolution and Coherence were not working because Parallels Tools service crashed soon after starting the virtual machine on time synchronization from Mac.
    Disabling time synchronization with Mac OS fixed the issue.
    John, I will submit an internal request to our Development team for further investigation.
    They will continue the work on the issue to elaborate a fix for it, which should be included in one of the future updates.
    You can stay up-to-date on any new information from our Development team by subscribing to our mailing list:
    (newsletters include Parallels product updates news so you know when updates are released exactly and what exact issues are addressed there).
    The work on the issue will continue in a separate internal system, this ticket in Support system will be marked as 'pending confirmation by customer'.
    In case you have any additional questions, you will be able to re-open the ticket within the next 14 days by replying to this message.
    Best regards,
    Maria Antonova
    Technical Support Engineer

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