Command Line Ability to Loff-Off All Sessions

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by FrankH3, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. FrankH3

    FrankH3 Bit poster

    We are using a hosted application from a cloud provider. We have many issues where the user's session locks and we have to manually connect to their workstation, right click the 2X icon in the systray and choose the menu option for LogOff all sessions. Is there a way or a switch to run and log a user off all sessions? We utilize an RMM solution that we can send remote commands, powershell scripts, etc. But I need to know what the client is automatically able to do via the command line to log the user off. In the documentation, the only thing shows launching the application client.

    Any insight would be great or even a product enhancement.

    Thank you,
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi FrankH3, Parallels Remote Application Server v.15 Hotfix 5 was released ( Please update Parallels Remote Application Server to the latest build and launch RAS Console->Connection->Authentication-> set as "Declare session idle after" and " Cached session Timeout" with the desired value and let us know how it works.

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