Command-Tab and other Mac key combos stopped working

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Sirblackadder, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Sirblackadder

    Sirblackadder Junior Member


    I was running RC2 when at some point all the Mac key combinations stopped working whenever Parallels desktop has the focus. Command-Tab no longer brings the Mac application switcher to front but opens the start menu in Win XP. Option-Command-<Key> is no longer forwarded to Virtue desktops but does something else in Windows, depending on which key (Option or Command) I pressed first.

    The Mac key combinations have always worked and without any change I am aware of they are suddeny not piped through to Mac OS from inside the guest OS any more. I updated to the final version but without any change.

    Has anybody experienced the same?

    Kind regards,
  2. Joe Mac User

    Joe Mac User Junior Member

    Yeah, I've seen that too, but haven't figured out why. Don't know if it's something I did or not. I've only had the one version of Parallels the entire time, so it wasn't a change that came with a release.
  3. Sirblackadder

    Sirblackadder Junior Member

    Yes, I read your posting and knew I was not alone.

    Do you too have the "Exit fullscreen on focus lost" switch disabled? That's the setting under Parallels Desktop | Preferences | User Interface | Advanced (the Advanced button exists since RC2)

    If that is the case, the release keyboard key combination Ctrl - Option should not cause Parallels to exit fullscreen mode. However, it does. The switch no longer has any effect. Can you confirm that?

    Best regards, Blacky
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2006
  4. 71Maple

    71Maple Junior Member

    Same Problem...Maybe 10.4.7?

    I'm experiencing the same problem. I think it only started today but, for example, F12 no longer brings up Dashboard...when I'm in my Windows terminal emulator under Parallels Desktop pressing F12 now does what i should in that emulator. I had remapped the function to Alt-F12. I much prefer being able to access the Mac key combinations without first having to click somewhere on the Mac desktop.

    I think this behavior only started this morning and I can't for the life of me figure out what happened. I upgraded to OS X 10.4.7 a couple days ago and I didn't notice this behavior until this morning. I was so happy too because I just figured out that the F13 key acts as the Print Screen key under Parallels so by pressing Alt-F13 I was able to take screen shots of active Windows when using Parallels Desktop.

    Please help with this Parallels. How can we repair this sudden change in behavior?
  5. 71Maple

    71Maple Junior Member

    Apple System Menu/Parallels Caution Message

    I think I've found a related issue. When the focus is on Parallels Desktop click on the Blue Apple menu icon at the top left of the screen and you get an error message (well, more of a cautionary statement) from Parallels: You have just attempted to open Apple system menu. Please note that usage of some Apple system menu items when launched from Parallels Desktop may result in significant slowdown of the whole system performance. If you want to use Apple menu items, please switch focus to the Finder (use Cmd+Tab key combination) and click Apple system menu in this application.

    If you try to use the Cmd+Tab key combination as per their recommendation it won't work anymore...the whole point of this thread.
  6. 71Maple

    71Maple Junior Member

    Found the answer on another thread!

    Please check System Preferences->Universal Access and make sure Enable Access For Accessiblity Devices is NOT enabled.
  7. persike

    persike Member

    71Maple, you are truly great. I had that issue before upgrading to 10.4.7 but thought that it was related to going from Parallels RC2 to the final version.

    I tried everything from deleting the Parallels pref files to reinstalling Parallels but never would have found that switch you mentioned to be responsible for the problems. Where did you find the million dollar hint? Here on the forums?
    I'd be interested what might have caused the change in behavior. A silent update from Apple perhaps?

    However, glad that it works again. THX a lot. Great forum!

    Bye, Malte.

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