Complete uninstallation of Parallels Desktop 10

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SteveS1, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    Six months ago I tried Parallels. The KB said I could uninstall it by dragging the app to the trash. But "Reveal in Windows" is still in a Finder window menu. When I choose it Parallels appears to launch even though it's not on my boot drive.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you remove all Parallels Desktop components? Could you share a screenshot of the issue please?
  3. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    I can't reproduce it for a screen shot, apologies.
    But removing all Parallels Desktop components is what I'd like advice on.
  4. ToddD3

    ToddD3 Bit poster

    Parallels v16 and Mojave
    Here is what I did to get mine going. Should apply to trial and licensed versions.
    If you have a licensed version then you will need to reactivate your freshly installed Parallels after reinstallation.
    Manually tossed the application from Applications folder.
    Went to <Your Hard Drive>/Library and removed Parallels folder.
    Went to <Your Hard Drive>/Library/Preferences and removed Parallels folder.
    Went to <Your Home Folder>/Library/Preferences and removed all com.parallels files. (You may need option key and click on Go menu to get to hidden users Library folder)
    Reinstalled Parallels from installer which forced a complete reinstallation from scratch and then reactivated it and I then ignored the creation of a new virtual machine.
    Double-clicked on each of the virtual machines I have which added them back to the control centre. Had to reinstall parallels tools on one of my Windows 10 installs. Your mileage may vary.

    Hope that helps.
    AidenJ likes this.
  5. IndependentN

    IndependentN Bit poster

    can i get a driver for windows 10 Bluetooth installed
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2021
  6. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    Here is a screen shot. I'd like to completely remove Parallels.

    Attached Files:

  7. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    I still would like to completely remove Parallels. I've deleted all relevant files with "parallels" in the file name from my entire boot disk. It's still showing "Reveal in Windows" in my Finder contextual menus. Help?
  8. Avni

    Avni Bit poster

    Same some things still are asking for parallels when I try to open. For example when I try to open calculator from Spotlight this happens.

    Attached Files:

  9. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    Just wanted to check in on this. How can I help you help?
  10. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Did you delete: /Library/Contextual Menu Items/ParallelsCM.plugin?
  11. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Plus... I seem to remember that the linkages to the menus are cached, so simply deleting things may not be an end-all solution. There's a procedure to rebuild the Launch Services Database (type without the "# " at the beginning of each line below):
    # /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
    # killall Finder
  12. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    It's looking like the database rebuild procedure worked - thank you!!
    Mark Fine likes this.
  13. Avni

    Avni Bit poster

    Nothing is in that folder.
  14. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    After the database rebuild procedure, I'm noticing some icons in the Dock are not right... see attached. The icon is right in Finder but not the dock. dock anomaly.png
  15. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Sometimes a reboot fixes that. If not, just pop Disk Utility out of the dock and add it back in.
  16. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    I tried what you said. Rebooting isn't fixing it. Removing "Calculator" from the dock and putting it back isn't fixing it, although "Disk Utility" is now fine.

    I googled this. The web is suggesting different variations of "lsregister", "rm ~/Library/Preferences/", and/or deleting caches. But I'm afraid to screw things up further without your giving the go-ahead.
  17. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Deleting that plist is going to remove all your dock settings and likely make a mess.
    If you remove the calculator icon from the dock, then run the calculator from Applications, it should put a new graphic in there on the right side of the dock without using the cached one. Then, while it's running, you should be able to right-click on the dock icon and set "Keep in dock", then drag it to wherever you want it. Not sure why it would be any different from icon Finder at that point.
  18. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    Yes, (thanks,) I tried that, but it didn't work.
  19. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    One possible clue: Right now it's only seeming to happen with Calculator, so I booted off a backup, renamed Calculator to "calculator bad," and restored a known good copy. Then I booted off my main drive and Got Info for the two files. The old, "bad" one was fine. The restored one, actually named "Calculator," had a generic icon.
  20. PenH

    PenH Junior Member

    I think it's fixed. I pasted a new icon into Get Info. If I recall correctly it didn't work the first time. Appreciate the help.
    Maria@Parallels and Mark Fine like this.

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