Connection issues on version update 10.0.1114

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by lsantos2, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. lsantos2

    lsantos2 Guest

    I was using the app for about a week without any issues. After the update (to the 2x app around June 6th) I began experiencing issues with the app. To be specific: my iPad connects to the VPN server without any issues, the 2x client app connects to the terminal machine fine, after I enter all my log in info, the app stalls and never logs in, its stays frozen on a blue screen. I am led to the conclusion that the issue is with the app because I have restored the iPad to factory settings and installed a fresh copy of the 2x app and still the issues persist. Also, and most importantly, I’ve tried logging-in on another iPad 2 running the same iOS version and it worked. The only difference, this iPad 2 /did not/ update the 2x app.

    I am using the iPad 2 wi-fi only model , running version 4.3.3

    Is there anyway i can revert back to previous app version until this issue is fixed?

  2. macdev

    macdev Guest


    Could you please provide the following information:
    1) Windows server version, whether server has 2X software installed (if yes, which version)
    2) Used connection type (2X or RDP)

    I suppose you are checking different devices within the same environment (wifi, server, vpn, account etc), please confirm.

    You can downgrade version only in case you have Mac with iTunes backup that has previous version of the client. However latest version had no changes in network connection setup area comparing with previous. New version has changes with audio/device channel configuration. Please try to on/off audio on devices that you have to check results.

    If possible, please submit ticket to support and provide us with test account in your environment to investigate this issue.

  3. lpfajim

    lpfajim Guest

    We are having the same problems with both our iPhones and our iPads. The connection works until a point: the published applications appear but when you select an application (excel, word, or even desktop) a blue screen opens but the program does not load. We are connecting to a server using Windows Server 2008. We just updated the software on the server to the latest version of 2x but we are still having the connection problems. We can connect fine on our laptops or desktops. It is only the iPhones and iPads that are having problems.

    Thank you for your assistance.
  4. Siempo2000

    Siempo2000 Bit poster

    We are running 2X server 10.0.1155 with the latest ipad client. 10.0.1124
    We are having the same issues.
    Windows client works without any problem, but the ipad stays stuck on the blue screen also when connecting http or https there is no difference on the ipad, it just stays at the blue screen.
    Very dissapointing.....

    Please let me knof if there is a fix.

  5. Siempo2000

    Siempo2000 Bit poster

    We too are facing problems with ipad connector version 10.0.1124 against server version 10.0.1155.
    There is no difference between http and https connection both sessions get stuck at blue login screen.
    Windows client works properly.

    Please help.

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