Control Panel

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Bashcraft, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Bashcraft

    Bashcraft Junior Member

    How do I restore the previous functionality where I can double click an alias icon on my desktop and launch the VM directly without having to use the Control Panel? How do I set it to automatically stop Parallels when I close a VM without having to close the Control Panel too?
  2. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello ,Bashcraft,

    To create an alias locate the virtual machine select .pvm file and right click -> Make Alias then move to Mac Desktop.
    Once Windows virtual machine started icon will appear on your Mac Dock, right click on Windows icon select Options -> Keep in Dock. Thanks!
  3. Bashcraft

    Bashcraft Junior Member

    Thanks, but that is not what I'm asking. I have the aliases on my desktop but when I double click them they simply launch the Control Center instead of opening the VM.
  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We really understand the issue. We suggest you to delete those shortcuts and create new shortcuts to resolve that issue.
  5. Bashcraft

    Bashcraft Junior Member

    Deleted and recreated aliases, still opening that stupid control center instead of launching the VM.
  6. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I just found this post and have the very same problem on my MBP (10.13.2, PD 13.2.0). I created the alias but when double clicking the icon it only starts the control center but not the VM.
    I have tried various startup and shutdown settings but they shutdown the control center, but don't have an impact on the start up of the VM.

    Did you ever get this resolved?
  7. Bashcraft

    Bashcraft Junior Member

    Nope. As usual when the Parallels people can't, or won't, help they ignore you. I have officially given up on the software. They won't be getting any more of my money.
  8. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Guys, thank you for your reports. It is the bug. If Control Center is not opened then VM won't start. We will fix it in nearest update.
  9. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    Thanks for your reply, but I wanted to clarify, the control center IS started, but not the VM. I still have to select and start the VM.

    It has been a while, but when I was still using PD10 I just had to double click the alias, first the control center was started, then the VM was started. I did not have to select the VM first.

    Also, when I am done with the VM I normally shut it down, and the control center is shut down at the same time. But if I only suspend the VM, the VM screen is still displayed. I would have assumed that the VM is "closed" and the CC closed as well. I had tried the settings: on vm shutdown close windows, and also quit PD. Still the VM suspended screen is displayed.

    Is there a KB article that outlines the various combinations of VM shutdown/suspend and the CC settings?

  10. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Exactly. I have reproduced it and filed the bug.

    You can use Quit menu of Parallels Desktop and then VM will be suspended, closed and Parallels Desktop will be closed with all its windows as well. Why this doesn't work for you?

    There is an example (see pic)

    1. If you shutdown Windows then it will be closed and Parallels Desktop quit.
    2. If you Quit Parallels Desktop via menu then Windows will be suspended and Parallels Desktop quit.

    Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 15.14.51.png
  11. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    Thanks for the screen shot. I set my VM's accordingly.

    Regarding quitting PD it never occurred to me to do that, but it sure works fast and closes everything.

    But now the problem is, when I click on the W8.1 alias PD is started but then I see the suspended VM that I had used last, not the one linked to the alias, and I still have to click on the suspended VM to start it.

    What I expect from the alias that it starts or resumes the VM, depending on how it was closed.

    I also observed that when clicking on an alias that both suspended (W8.1 and W10) were started.
  12. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Definitely it is a bug. We well fix it in the next update.
  13. JamesW16

    JamesW16 Bit poster

    I have the same question as GerhardG2. When I create a VM from scratch it creates a desktop shortcut that is not an alias it is something different. If I double click that it starts the VM. If in stead as GerhardG2 says I just create an alias for the PVM it only starts the control center. Have you come up with a fix for this bug ? It clearly is a bug. What ever the tool does to create that alias when you build a new VM we need that functionality for an existing VM where the alias has been lost/deleted.

    OK scratch all that I said if I had actually read Alexg's post I would have figured this out. Thanks Alex. That said it would still be nice to have a short cut that starts a VM directly
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  14. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    Any Update when this will be fixed?
  15. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I really would appreciate an update when this will be fixed. It is just annoying that the VM does not shutdown but remains suspended, even though I had selected to shut it down.
  16. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    Hi alexg,

    the problem has not been fixed with 13.3.0. I installed it, and did the parallels tools load in my W10 and W8.1 VM. Shut down the VM, started Parallels again, and even before I got the control center I was the last used VM, like it had been suspended before.

    Any other ideas how this can be fixed?

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