"Convenience Store..." -anyone else upset?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by noetus, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. noetus

    noetus Bit poster

    I just upgraded to Parallels 7. Not sure exactly what I am getting for my $50, but this made me unhappy. There is now a link for "Convenience Store..." directly in the Parallels menu when in Coherence Mode.

    Well, so they're already scalping me for $50 for the upgrade, and now they're promoting their own "store" where presumably they get a cut for every product sold?

    I'm upset about this, as it's a form of advertising. Advertising is fine in free software, especially when there is an option to pay to get rid of it, but I find advertising unacceptable on paid software (particularly at this price).
  2. stinklyonion

    stinklyonion Junior Member

    i think you just have to stick with Parallels until you find a much suitable program for you... :D[​IMG]
  3. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Convenience store, which might be convenient, as it allows you to buy Windows licenses and download Windows directly from the internet (only US and Canada ATM).

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