copy and paste no longer works

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Freek_Peters, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Freek_Peters

    Freek_Peters Bit poster

    hi I am using Parallels 11.01 on OSX Yosimity 10.10.5. Today i found out that copying text from e.g. Mac OS calendar to MS Notes on Parallels no longer works. not via the menu, not via CTL-C CTL-V.

    Anyone any idea's?

    with kind regards,
    Freek Peters
  2. bubbaw

    bubbaw Bit poster

    Welcome to the club. Windows 7? Support was supposed to call me about this today, but hasn't.

    EDIT: Issue appears to be a conflict with Symantec DLP 12.5 and Parallels copy/paste functions. It's probably a long shot that you have this installed since it's an enterprise app, but if you do, that's the issue.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015

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