Copy-Paste Suddenly doesn't Work

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by RCBOOKS, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. hanseric

    hanseric Bit poster

    I can confirm this as well. I've got OSX 10.4.11 and Parallels Desktop for Mac 5582. Can copy, apparently, from Windows to the Parallels Tools clipboard, but when I try and do so from Mac, nothing shows up. Also would like to give a bit "amen" on the point that this is causing a major disturbance in my work Force. I'm a cross-OS copy/pasting fool. PLEASE fix this soon!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2007
  2. nmilmine

    nmilmine Junior Member

    I too have had this problem running Tiger with the latest (and seemingly offending) security patch. I upgraded to Leopard and find that the same problem is still present. Help!
  3. nmilmine

    nmilmine Junior Member

    It does! I've upgraded to Leopard and still have the cut-n-paste problem.
  4. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2008
  5. daniel.rutten

    daniel.rutten Bit poster

    Same here ... I've got 10.4.11 with security patch 1.1 and PD5582.

    I hope this is going to be resolved quickly. I'm now copying my OSX stuff into a file that I open in Windows to copy and past from.
  6. Forrest Gump

    Forrest Gump Bit poster

    We get it...

    The bug has been confirmed by SWsoft. No offense, but I think we don't need any more "Me too" posts.
  7. nmilmine

    nmilmine Junior Member

    Forrestgump2000 has a point, but Hugh Watkins' and my "me too" posts were key to a full understanding of this problem because they confirm that upgrading from Tiger 10.4 to Leopard 10.5 is not a solution and that both Leopard and Tiger need to be looked at to find a fix. They clearly both share some feature with each other that (once the security patch has been installed on Tiger) causes this problem to occur in Parallels.

    Hopefully our the Parallels software engineers will now be able to get a handle on what has gone wrong and come up before too long with a fix. But they don't need a lot of "me too" posts unless there is any feature of the "me too" which casts new light on the problem.

    All good wishes to the Parallels team.
  8. Khoji

    Khoji Member

    I'm having the same problem on my Mac Pro with Parallels after downgrading from Leopard back to Tiger -- I was forced to do that because Leopard was unusably unstable, freezing up randomly with loss of data in all open programs several times a day.

    Fortunately, I also have Fusion as a backup, and copy/paste is working there normally. I prefer Parallels to Fusion generally, but it's nice to know that you can always continue working when necessary. Actually, I'm beginning to have my doubts about running important programs in virtual machines at all -- as this issue shows there are just so many extra things to go wrong. I'm seriously considering keeping Windows and OSX separate again -- Windows on Windows machines, OSX on Macs.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2008
  9. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    How long will it take to get this fix?

    Dear Parallels, can we please get an update on this issue?
    I know on 25th you said that the engineers are working on it. But it would be nice to know that the issue is still a P1 priority for you and has not slipped into lower priority.

    To the folks who asked why say "Me too". 2 reasons:

    1) remind the company that the issue is concerning to many (Yes it is a no-brainer for us but believe me I know how bugs get prioritized in bug triage meetings. The more bullets you have the better)

    2) By posting you get an update on the subject via email.
  10. jcramer

    jcramer Bit poster

    Drag and Drop

    Hopefully this is useful information in tracking this bug down...

    I noticed that the drag and drop functionality in coherence also no longer works. Specifically, dragging files from Mac OS into Windows XP in coherence mode no longer works. Seems like it's not just the clipboard sync, but something else a little deeper?
  11. CassieW

    CassieW Bit poster

    Yeah, I'm just posting another "me too" so I can hear as soon as something develops in this area.

    Running Tiger and Parallels 5160 on a MacBook Pro.
  12. JBBeaubeaux

    JBBeaubeaux Junior Member

    I also noticed I cannot drag a file into Outlook and attach it like I could before copy and past quick working.

    Now the only way I can attach a file from the Mac side into a Windows Outlook email is to use "Attach", "File", then go through a 'shared' folder from Parallels into my Mac.

    What a pain since I used to just grab a file on the Mac and drag it over into my Windows Outlook email program.
  13. frankharris

    frankharris Bit poster

    me too, me too
  14. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Dear all,

    Parallels Team is awfully sorry for the delay with the update release. It is going to come in January. It is the Priority #1 for us. The new build will include a number of other fixes released in custom builds after 5582.

    With best wishes for a Happy New Year,
  15. korny

    korny Bit poster

    same problem for me

    would like an email update...
  16. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello Korny,

    What do you mean by an e-mail update?

    Best regards,
  17. korny

    korny Bit poster

    just wanted to subscribe to this thread so that I will get updates w/o having to look at the forum. I have the problem described by many above, and followed advice given on this thread to subscribe to get an update. I'm not looking for anything different than any of the other posters.

  18. wbaby

    wbaby Bit poster

  19. tbalthazar

    tbalthazar Bit poster

    would like an email update.
  20. Forrest Gump

    Forrest Gump Bit poster

    You know, you can just click the "Subscribe to this Thread" link at the bottom. That'll give you email updates to the thread without needing to comment.

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