The latest build (5584) is working flawlessly for me as well, including correcting the cut-n-paste issue. Many thanks to the Parallels team for the hard work on this annoying bug. (FYI: I just did an "Upgrade" install with no problems).
Me too I've been watching this thread for weeks. Where are you Parallels team? There are a lot of us with this need and problem. It was a great feature until it broke.
@TucsonTom: you've not been watching carefully enough. It was released the other day, and announced in this thread.
Awesome - just did the de-install/re-install - works a treat! All I need now is for media player to work...
Unlike others who are justifiably jubilant at having their cut-n-paste glitch fixed, I am still having problems. My OS is Leopard 10.5.1 and (now) my Parallels build is 5584 (16 Jan 2008), running Win XP as VM. Installing the fix via the link in this thread went smoothly, but now that I have had opportunity to test it out I still have problems, the following thus far identified today: (1) Cut-n-paste from OSX to VM Publisher results in an error message that the clipboard is busy (2) Drag-n-drop from OSX into VM Publisher does not work (3) Cut-n-paste from VM Word to VM Publisher works the first time; but thereafter pastes in the original cut-n-paste text (4) As before installing the 'fix', drag-n-drop from VM Word into VM Publisher works, but all formatting is lost. Are other Leopard users having similar problems. Can anyone suggest why this fix hasn't worked for me? I've tried fixing OSX permissions - no change!
The update worked for me using autocad 2008, but I have to try several times to get just the right combination of control-c (then v) or command-c (Then v) to get it to copy and paste text. at least it is doable now.
Hello, Nmilmine, please try full uninstall of Parallels Desktop: Go to Finder - Applications - Utilities - Terminal. Type and run the following commands: • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsvnic.kext • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext • sudo rm -rf /Library/Parallels/ • sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.parallels.* Before you run these commands, please make sure that your VM hdd and pvs files are NOT stored in ~/Library/Parallels. Reboot your Mac and reinstall Parallels 5584. KrP, I'm going to deliver your report to QA team. We'll try to reproduce the issue. Best regards, Xenos
Hello TucsonTom, Do you mean you have copy-paste issue on Leopard with PD build 5584? Best regards, Xenos
Just wanted to say thanks. The latest version resolved this issue. I'm copying and pasting with abandon.
I have upgraded to Build 5584 of Parallels 3.0 OS 10.4.11 Win XP I still cannot copy and paste or drag and drop from either OS. Do I need to do a full uninstall and reinstall? How do ensure that my XP VM files are not erased?
Hello, V2theg, please try full reinstall. All the data from Windows side is kept in .hdd file. Make sure that your .hdd and .pvs files are not stored in ~/Library/Parallels before starting the procedure. You can also make a backup of .hdd file. Best regards, Xenos
Xenos, I tried to run those commands, but I don't think I did it properly. It said ' ' is a directory on most of them. What does the ~ symbol represent when typing this into terminal? Can I just remove these files and directories manually?
Hello V2theg, Please try carefully again. ~ symbol is put instead /Users/<your user name/> You should remove these files through Terminal to insure proper uninstall. Best regards, Xenos
Ok. I typed the following command: sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext and the following message popped up: rm: /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext: is a directory I checked the directory that this vmmain.kext is in, and the file was still there.
What's the status of this update? I'm still plagued by the inability to copy from Mac OS 10.4.11 to XP. I'm using Paralels 3.0 Build 5160.
Hello, V2theg, please check what you will get if run this command: sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext Gbmerrill, download the build 5584 specially designed to provide the fix for copy-paste issue in January. Best regards, Xenos