Could you tell me, please how to fix texture glitches in the game?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by GiB2, Aug 24, 2021.


How to remove multicolored glitches?

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  1. GiB2

    GiB2 Bit poster

    Could you tell me, please how to fix texture glitches in the game? When I'm playing there is a multicolored texture glitches and I don't know how to fix this. I saw a solution to a similar problem with the other games, here it is: "You should paste the following text in the "Boot flags" field in the settings: "video.untrimmed_dynamic_cbuffers=1". I tried and it didn't help. I set right settings (Enable nested virtualization and auto settings in "CPU and Memory", optimized the application for games) in "Parallels Desktop" and it didn't help. I tried to change game setting but even this didn't help. I would be very grateful if you help me with this problem.
    My computer: iMac (21.5 - inch, Late 2013) Processor: 2,9 GHz quad-core processor Intel Core i5; Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1 GB
    (I have the latest update)
    "Parallels Desktop" version: 16.5.0
    Name of the game: "Genshin Impact"
  2. yangy7

    yangy7 Bit poster

    same here, need a help
  3. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

  4. jiaxuz

    jiaxuz Bit poster

    You didn't even read our posts, aren't you? You are trying to let us solve a Year 2021 problem with a Year 2016 solution and it doesn't work! Now it's 2023, I found myself in the same problem too. You guys are not doing your job, I want a refund!!!!
  5. jiaxuz

    jiaxuz Bit poster

    Mine is MBP with an intel iris plus graphics 1536 mb graphic card, the glitches look like a driver issue, Parallels Desktop's built-in driver for my Graphic Card is from 2016, they didn't bother to update it in these years, that's why this happened.

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