CPU demand - Parallels Desktop Lite v.13 vs. Parallels Desktop

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by GordonH4, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. GordonH4

    GordonH4 Bit poster

    My host operating system is OS X 11.6 El Capitan. I have tried installing a Mac Snow Leopard Server guest into Parallels Desktop Lite, but no matter how I configure it, if two CPU cores are allocated to the guest OS, they are both at 100% all the time when the guest is running - Activity Monitor in the host shows 200% for Parallels Desktop Lite. Needless to say, my Mac heats up quickly. I read and reread the knowledgebase article dealing with high CPU usage, and it advocated checking processes in the guest. No process in the guest was ever running higher than 0.9 or 1.0%. This includes all root and user processes. So that didn't explain it. I should mention, thought that the article was about a Windows guest.

    So I tried running the same virtual machine file in the trial version of Parallels Desktop. All the 200% issues disappeared. And Snow Leopard and Parallels are in Activity Monitor as 2 separate well-behaved processes. Snow Leopard at perhaps 20-25% CPU usage, Parallel Desktop at 5-9%. Totally acceptable, and even adjustable with the optimization control.

    Does anyone out there have any idea what could be going on here? Is there any hope of getting the Parallels Lite product to "behave"?
  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @GordonH4 , please reproduce the issue in Parallels Desktop lite and Parallels Desktop for Mac and then help us with the technical data (with detailed logging) and post it here. So that we will check and help you out.
  3. GordonH4

    GordonH4 Bit poster

    Hello - I have reproduced the issue using the Trial version of Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac and Parallels Desktop Lite. I did the "send technical data with detailed logging" and got 2 report IDs. For Parallels 13 for Mac - 267339624. For Parallels Lite -267338792. I had to run these on a different Mac, using Mac OS 10.12 Sierra. My Trial had expired on the machine running El Capitan by the time you had replied, and there was no way to get anything but the Lite version to run on it. But I had the same results - CPU usage of 15-20% with Parallels Desktop 13, 199-210% at all times with Parallels Desktop Lite.

    Thank you
  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @GordonH4 , we have reported this issue to our internal team. We will get back to you once we get an update from them.

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