Cross reference for Printers Fax Scanners working only in Windows for MAC OS X

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by MICHAELM45, Jan 3, 2018.


    MICHAELM45 Bit poster

    I have a problem: All network contains printers and MFU PANASONIC not supported by Apple. I also have Windows HP printer also not supported by MAC but somehow allowing to print from MAC by means of SIDE DRIVERS (Printer A3 HP DeskJet 1125C). One of aims to install Windows on MAC was to able to use WINDOWS PRINTERS, drivers for which are not supported by MAC OS X High Sierra.
    When I PRINT FROM MAC, I can use only HP DeskJet 1125C, but I can not use PANASONIC MFU. When I print from Windows on MAC, I CAN USE BOTH PRINTERS.
    I want to have possibility, WHEN I PRINT FROM MAC OS X, that it would be a cross reference for printers. In other words, I want to use WINDOWS PRINTERS FROM MACBOOK with OS X WHEN WINDOWS IS RUNNING.
    Why this function is not introduced up to now, I don't understand.
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