Ctrl Arrow Keys in Word for Windows with Parallels not behaving

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Mallycat, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Mallycat

    Mallycat Bit poster

    I have a Macbook Pro running the latest version of Windows and Parallels. I am having problems getting consistent behaviour with the Ctrl Arrow keys shortcuts in Microsoft Word.

    On the Mac, if I open "Notes" or type in this forum for that matter, I can use Ctrl Left Arrow or Ctrl Right Arrow and move backwards/forwards one word at a time.
    If I boot into Windows via Bootcamp, and open MS Word, the same thing happens - exactly the same as a windows machine.
    If I run Windows via Parallels, then open Word and try to do the same thing, it doesn't work. Can anyone advise how I can fix this?

    I have downloaded and am using KeyRemapForMacbook and that has helped me with some other migration issues, but I can't work out this one.
  2. kat

    kat Product Expert

    In order to change shortcuts under Parallels Desktop>preferences>Shortcuts>select your vm
    any changes or additions can be made here.
  3. Mallycat

    Mallycat Bit poster

    Thanks. I have looked there, and can't see anything that seems to be helpful.
  4. kat

    kat Product Expert

    You can add the ability to use the key you wish.

    Select the vm you wish to add the shortcut to
    Select the+ at the bottom of the key description area
    a drop down window will appear that you can use to create the shortcut you wish.

    Hope this helps you.
    You should check the following instructions about function keys.
    This knowledge base article should be helpful: http://kb.parallels.com/en/114309

    PS. Please make sure you have installed Parallels Tools in the vm.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  5. Mallycat

    Mallycat Bit poster

    Thanks for trying to help me out here. Unfortunately despite following the instructions, it still doesn't work. This is what I have done.
    I have gone into Mac\System Preferences\Keyboard and made sure "use all F1, F2 etc" is checked. It was.
    Right click on the running Parallels Desktop icon. Select Preferences. Select Keyboard Menu and added Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right. This did nothing.
    While still in Preferences, clicked on virtual Machine Win 8.1, profile Windows, and added Ctrl+ left arrow to map to Ctrl+Left Arrow. This did nothing either.

    Now clearly I may be doing something wrong, trouble is I don't know what that is.
  6. kat

    kat Product Expert

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
  7. MartinV23

    MartinV23 Bit poster

    For me the following helped: go to Devices / Keyboard / Customize, select "macOS System Shortcut" and set the "send macOS system shortcuts" to Always. For some reason Auto doesn't work. Parallels 19.

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