CTRL key doesn't do anything/work?

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by Bhatimanha, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Bhatimanha

    Bhatimanha Guest


    On the virtual keyboard, using the CTRL modifier doesn't do anything.
    I've tried reading the manual for iPhone (which only shows the iPhone app screen, everything else is the iPad) and have played with combinations of keys and approaches, but with no luck.

    I try pressing CTRL (becomes blue) then D or any other letter?

    Result: The letter gets typed.

    I try pressing CTRL + D or any other letter simultaneously?

    Result: The letter gets typed.

    The CTRL+C or CTRL+Z hot key combos in the Fn menu work, but anything custom does not.
    It's a real shame, because I love this app, and apart from this and the buried nature if the TAB key, it's perfect. Really. (Sorry for the possibly disappointed tone of this post!)

    Seriously - Love your work, and especially that it's free.
    Not to sound cheap, but I just refuse to pay for any app that provides functionality that has become a basic standard. As soon as people start to charge for this sort of app, I drop them like hot cakes! So keep doing what you're doing and heaps of mad respect for this wonderful, cross-platform app! (I wish I had an Android.)

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    hey bathimanha, what version of the client and server do you have installed though?
    for virtual keyboard you mean the on screen one or something else?
  3. sandymurray

    sandymurray Guest

    I am having the same issue on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 (both ios 5). I'm using the 2X client with a RDP session. The CTRL +[any letter] combination has no affect in any of the applications on the remote desktop. When using MS Word, typing CTRL+C results in the letter 'c' appearing, not copying or in Outlook, typing CRTL+N does not open a new message. The ALT and the shortcuts work perfectly.
  4. sandymurray

    sandymurray Guest

    I'm experiencing the same issue on my iphone and ipad. I have an iphone 4 and ipad 2 using ios 5. The 2X client version is 10.0 (build 1124). Whenever I try to use a Ctrl + <key> combination, it ignores the control key. It just sends whatever key I'm typing in conjunction with the Ctrl key to the remote machince. For example, if I type Ctrl + s to initiate a save command in Word, Excel, Notepad, etc., it doesn't save. It only displays the "s" in the document.
    All the other special keys work perfectly; 'Alt', 'Esc', function keys and shortcuts.

  5. msamson1

    msamson1 Bit poster

    I'm having this same problem. Please fix?
  6. msamson1

    msamson1 Bit poster

    This issue has existed for quite some time, and obviously multiple people are experiencing it.. There has even been an update or two to the app since it was reported. Any chance of someone acknowledging the bug? :). It really is a necessary feature for anyone that has to work with command lines. Thanks in advance!
  7. jpc

    jpc Pro

    This feature has already been added to the roadmap for a near future update of the client.

    For now, however, only special key combinations and the special combinations in the 'sh' layout (tap the keyboard icon and then select the sh layout) are supported.
  8. msamson1

    msamson1 Bit poster

    Either this fell off the roadmap, or there hasn't been an update in a year :). This is a shame, because 2X really is the best client out there, but I can't recommend this to any coworkers or colleagues. The CTRL key is essential to working with UNIX systems.

    I did see the special combinations under the 'sh' layout, but what other special key combinations are you referring to here? Very interested!

  9. msamson1

    msamson1 Bit poster

    Finally an update after such a long time, and still no functional CTRL :/. In fact, the only noticeable difference for me was a nag screen. Still a great client, though :).
  10. jpc

    jpc Pro

    The update is still in the pipeline. Should appear in a future update soon.
  11. abarylak

    abarylak Junior Member

    Via another thread, i had mentioned this CTRL issue, and it was brought to my attention that it works in the other Keyboard Locales in the Settings. I have never used a different Keyboard Locale other than the iOS Native, so i'm looking forward to trying out the other one a little more, but i did test the CTRL issue, and on the English (U.S) Keyboard, it works just fine.

    Some people may be still using the iOS Native keyboard which the CTRL doesn't actually do anything on, so i'm wondering if there are any plans to resolve that on the iOS Native keyboard?

    (I am using iOS 7 on an iPhone 5s)
  12. abarylak

    abarylak Junior Member

    One thing I just noticed as a problem with the English (U.S.) keyboard locale is that there is no @ symbol for that keyboard. That is probably one of the most used symbols and caused me to have to disconnect to change the keyboard locale in order to continue using me remote session.

    If the Ctrl key would work on the iOS Native this wouldn't be a problem. Or if you could make more of the symbols available in the English (U.S.) keyboard locale, then that keyboard would be very helpful. Please consider fixing the Ctrl key on the Native iOS keyboard locale or adding more symbols to the English one. Thanks.
  13. msamson1

    msamson1 Bit poster

    Maybe it's because I'm still on 6.1.3, but my main keyboard is English (US).. I even just tried adding English (Canada) and English (UK), and still nothing happens when Ctrl is activated. I'm assuming you mean the keyboards you can switch through when you hit the globe button. There was even another update recently, which is what made me check back here and try all this. :)
  14. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Currently, to get the Ctrl working you will need to select the 2X Custom Keyboard from the 2XClient's options.
    See the manual under Keyboard Locale to see what I'm referring to.

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