Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Insider Preview (10.0.22635.3646) (KB5037858) Fails

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DavidS94, May 24, 2024.

  1. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    @FrankO Please post a problem report on the Windows Insider Feedback Hub so MS is aware. This release is just broken. Thanks.
  2. SamS4

    SamS4 Hunter

    Same problem here. I have two Mac M-series machines running the same VM, and neither can complete the install of 10.0.22635.3646 (KB5037858)
  3. JoeDawson

    JoeDawson Junior Member

    This is how I found out I had bitlocker turned on ... So that isn't on anymore. :)
    But this problem is annoying and I haven't found a work around that is fully working.

    So I opened up a support ticket. I suggest everyone open up a support ticket with Parallels just so we can get this as a priority for them to fix.
  4. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    This problem has happened before with both the Canary and Dev version. MS will maintain complete silence and suddenly there will be another update and everything will work. This seems to happen fairly often. Have you reported the problem via the MS Feedback Hub? Not that you'll get an answer, but at least you have a place to air your frustration.
  5. AaronM12

    AaronM12 Bit poster

    Upgrading a non-beta (public-normal channel, not insider/etc)-- just crashes to an unrecoverable (unless you have a backup of the VM). Insider-Preview channel does however, work... Only problem, for my dev work, I use the normal public "stable" releases for ARM :-(

    Attached Files:

  6. JulsS

    JulsS Member

  7. JoeDawson

    JoeDawson Junior Member

    I just switched to release preview under the insider program rebooted and then checked for updates and ALL clear. No issues no patch that is not installing. Everything looks ok for now.
  8. JulsS

    JulsS Member

    If you just switched to the release preview channel, there should be an update waiting for you that will then allow you to install 24H2. That is the current release in the release channel.
  9. MaartenM1

    MaartenM1 Bit poster

    I also have this issue on Windows 11 PRO on ARM, no Insider program, just regular Windows.
    Tried downloading the KB5037853 from the MSFT catalog directly: This did not resolve the issue.
    The update installs, is applied up to 30%, machine restarts and repairs windows.

    Hoping it will be fixed soon...
    MagneA likes this.
  10. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    But I am confused - this link is for releases 22621.3672 and 22631.3672, the one that failed in the Beta Insiders this week is 22635.3646 - Insiders beta is/was on 22635.3640 (what I am on now since 3646 failed). The two releases you reference are totally different, right?
  11. still a problem .... tried all suggestion... still failed.
  12. JoeDawson

    JoeDawson Junior Member

    Oh glad I didn't go remove myself from insider preview to find out that... I would have been very upset to do a whole re-install to exit windows preveiw only to find out that it is still an issue. The fact you can't exit preview without a full re-install is nuts.
  13. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I have the exact same problem as #30 with W11 Pro ARM.
    I send a technical report 461131934 to Parallels support
  14. Matthew777

    Matthew777 Bit poster

    I am having the same issue. On both 19.3.1 and 19.4. Thank God you can find your Bitlocker keys on your 365 account!
  15. RandomParallelsUser

    RandomParallelsUser Bit poster

    Yup - cumulative preview fails. No insider program, just regular windows. Automatic repair fails 3x in a row, reloading to snapshot now - but even that is now loading the preview. Will revert back again if it fails this time.
  16. JulsS

    JulsS Member

    The update installed correctly for me in a VM under Proxmox with Intel. Me and others have noted the failure under Parallels and ARM. Is anyone experiencing the failure under Parallels with Intel?
  17. JoeDawson

    JoeDawson Junior Member

    Add this to the reasons not to use bitlocker. I removed bitlocker after this happened.
  18. RandomParallelsUser

    RandomParallelsUser Bit poster

    After reverting to snapshot, it installed a few updates, and the last update it attempted was this cumulative update preview again. Once again, it failed, and caused an automatic repair on reboot. However - this time, at least it recognized it, and Windows uninstalled/disabled it, and allowed a full boot. In the update panel, it says that this update failed, and to try again if I choose, but it doesn't look like it will automatically install and break things. Hopefully MS realizes the issues shortly, and releases an updated file so it stops killing Macs running Parallels and Win11.
  19. FranciscoD6

    FranciscoD6 Bit poster

    Same issue and error here with KB5037853, and not moving to Dev channel...
  20. Matthew777

    Matthew777 Bit poster

    Just curious, do you all have your parallels in your Home folder or Shared folder?

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