Data loss in windows 7 guest (after chkdsk)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by peterm7, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. peterm7

    peterm7 Bit poster

    • a macbook with maverick OS and Windows 7 parallels 9 VM had a crash.
    • Windows was only booting into repair-mode for hours, as far as I know it was canceled.
    • later we rightclick the *.pvm File and opened with parallels mounter we saw a C:\FOUND.000 Folder (with chk files/folders) and no Customfolders under C:\Users\User1 (only 2 windows folders)
    • we used tool deCHK to convert the files, but the amount was small
    1) What was the cause of it?
    2) How to avoid such problem, do you heart of it often?
    2) Do you think we did all right? (but we forgot to backup before)
    Thx in advance
  2. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro


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