default email reader will not stick to Mail (it defaults to windows apps)

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jonathan_david, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. jonathan_david

    jonathan_david Hunter

    i have Settings > Configure > Applications set to a pulldown of Email in Mac OS but when i set MAC MAIL as the default email handler in Mail > Preferences > General to Mac Mail it always resets to some Windows application. this happens on both my desktop computer and my laptop computer.

    this is a big problem since the list in Mac Mail shows ALL MY WINDOWS APPLICATIONS and it is very hard to even find the Mac Mail item in order to reset it. but again, even when i reset it it redefaults to some other Windows Application.

    anyone know what gives here?

    i also have Thunderbird and Sparrow installed as other email clients.


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