Default "Parallels" user password

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Bugsend, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. Bugsend

    Bugsend Bit poster

    Hi all! Just installed Fedora from Parallels wizard and found out that Fedora's login screen asks me to provide password from Parallels user, which I do not know, btw.

    Does anybody know what is the password for Parallels Linux (Fedora 26) user ?
    assadfa likes this.
  2. EricS39

    EricS39 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I'm running into the same issue with the Ubuntu VM. I tried the usual placeholders: `password`, `changeme`. Entering a random password gives me "BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a dictionary word" I'm stuck as well.
    assadfa likes this.
  3. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi @Bugsend, as far as I remember our Linux appliances ask to specify password on initial boot. We do not secure free appliances with any custom passwords.
    assadfa likes this.
  4. tombensve

    tombensve Bit poster

    Your (Parallels) packaging of simple install Fedora Linux does not provide a way of setting password!!! The first time you start up after installing Fedora image requires a an existing password, does not allow to set an initial password!! For the Ubuntu image this works, but not for the Fedora image.
    assadfa and EricS39 like this.
  5. tombensve

    tombensve Bit poster

    To be very clear:
    - Click "+" in "Control Center".
    - Choose the "Fedora download + install".
    - Wait for download to complete.
    - When download is done the image is run and you end up with a password dialog containing the text "New Password".

    This makes it look like you can set an initial new password since this is the first time the image is run. BUT NO! Entering any password fails with the message "You are required to change the password immediately", and here you are at a never ending loop. Whatever you write gets you back here with an error. It is completely impossible to get past this. The Ubuntu image works the same, but there the first password entered becomes the new password, and then you are logged in and desktop starts. But not for Fedora, there you are completely stuck.
    assadfa likes this.
  6. EricS39

    EricS39 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I'm running into the same issue with the Ubuntu VM. I tried the usual placeholders: `password`, `changeme`. Entering a random password gives me "BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a dictionary word" I'm stuck as well.
    assadfa likes this.
  7. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hey @EricS39, please specify a new complex password. We do not secure free appliances with any custom passwords.
  8. assadfa

    assadfa Bit poster

    Wrong! Yes, you do! I installed Fedora and have the same issue. Presented with a login screen where I have to enter password. What gives? Please fix this!!!
  9. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Please read the message: "you are required to change your password" > just specify any preferred secured password.

    I just downloaded our Fedora Arm64 appliance myself:


    Entered a new password:

    Confirmed the same password > I'm in:
    TroyD3, MatthewR20 and assadfa like this.
  10. assadfa

    assadfa Bit poster

    ok, my bad, I didnt read the text, just saw password form and got triggered

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