It would be nice if I could set up a default profile template where I could do "New...From Template" and just configure the User ID & PW information - since everything else remains the same. I create many users and have to configure each setting when setting up a new connection.
When creating a new Connection, I use the same connection settings for all users. Such as server name, domain, printer configuration, advanced, etc. It would be nice, if I could choose, New from Template where all of that information is filled in and I can just enter the friendly name, username and password. I've included screenshots. In other words, I'd like the ability to save a template, then create a new user by loading that template with the pre-filled information.
Thanks for the details. Actually you can achieve the same using the following ways: 1) Send "Invitation email" which contains configuration link + apply connection policy 2) Export and import .2xc file containing preconfigured connection.