Hello, I deleted a snapshot using the Snapshot manager. Manager reported that the snapshot had been deleted then promptly crashed. Upon restarting the Virtual Machine, the VM reports that the .hdd is corrupt. This isn't good. Any easy way to recover the VM HD? Parallels Explorer does not work with this hdd eiter...
Some people have been discovering that an xml file is being corrupted. The file name is DiskDescriptor.xml and it will be found in your vm.hdd directory where vm is the name of your virtual machine. On my systems the virtual machines are stored in /Users/username/Library/Parallels but on newer machines that has been relocated. I don't recall where, just now. Anyway, use your OS X spotlight tool to look for DiskDescriptor.xml. I use command line tools for most everthing so I would open a terminal and go to where spotlight suggests and open the file with the "less" file viewer. Just type: less DiskDescriptor.xml <enter> If it tells you it is not a text file then you have the xml curse. If it opens the file and you can read the text in it then it is probably ok. Here's part of mine just for reference: <Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" > <Disk_Parameters> <Disk_size>16384032</Disk_size> <Cylinders>16254</Cylinders> <Heads>16</Heads> <Sectors>63</Sectors> <Tools> <Installed>No</Installed> </Tools> </Disk_Parameters> <StorageData> <Storage> <Start>0</Start> <End>16384032</End> <Blocksize>63</Blocksize> . . .
Yes, I've discovered that .hdd is actually a folder and not a file. Inside this folder is the .xml file and the hdd files. Using another VM as a template, I've rebuilt the XML and chain linked them together. The VM now boots which is great, but the snapshot manager does not show anything there. So, again, using another VM as a template, I rebuilt the snapshot xml and files as best as I can figure. So, I see everything there in the snapshot manager, I try deleting snapshots (this time I backed everything up.) The snapshot manager crashes again and the disk xml file is zero kb, and the snapshot I was trying to delete is now 2 mb instead of the 7gb it was. It seems I'm stuck with a large 7gb snapshot file taking up unnecessary room until this is fixed or until I have time to migrate my VM.... This is silly, I cannot imagine my mom (a typical mac user) having to rebuild xml files, etc...