Detailed CPU/Memory/Disk/Networks stats with graphs and history

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RedFoxy Darrest, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. RedFoxy Darrest

    RedFoxy Darrest Bit poster

    I usually use different vm with freebsd/debian os, I must keep an eye on different statistics, like bandwidth used (incoming & outcoming), CPU usage, memory usage, specific statistics on processes and for specific daemon (like Apache, Mysql etc...), SNMP informations etc... your system give me only CPU and Memory statistics and I must use external services like Server Density and Monitis, or I must install different packages like Cacti... That solutions aren't in real time, and for external systems like Server Density and Monitis, I must pay for the services and they don't update less than one minute period, other services don't keep diagram history or have other limitations.

    So, why don' you add a support, a panel o other that can help us to have good stats and history? You can use parallels tools as agent installed to comunicate with the external panel, like to have something like Server Density and Monitis.

    You can see attached an image about a simple interface that now I'm using in one of my parallels virtual machine, that's Monitis, with CPU/Memory/bandwidth graphs, two specified graphs on 2 processes (Apache and Mysql, just showing memory, virtual and real, and cpu usage for specific process) and a dedicated graph connected to Mysql by a script to show queries and other information about the dbrm.

    Attached Files:

  2. RedFoxy Darrest

    RedFoxy Darrest Bit poster

    Just I do a stress test on a VM and I noticed that your resource monitor doesn't show the specific VM resources but looks like more the host resources!

    Attached Files:

  3. RedFoxy Darrest

    RedFoxy Darrest Bit poster


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