DirectX9 on M1

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SQ6, Jun 24, 2023.

  1. SQ6

    SQ6 Bit poster

    I am trying to run an older game on my Mac M1 Mini, and am getting severe performance issues from time to time and sometimes (not always though) an error message that DX9 failed to load.
    I have looked up in my settings and I can't change anything about graphics settings in control center, it just says it uses system memory for that, with no options or settings.
    Inside Windows 11 Device-Manager I looked up my graphics driver and it says "Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM)" also with no further options or settings.
    Is there any way to install DX9 or having some further settings to try to increase performance?
  2. SQ6

    SQ6 Bit poster

    This is the error message I receive:

    Attached Files:

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