Disable Automatic Snapshot Creation

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MICHAELN8, Oct 14, 2020.


    MICHAELN8 Bit poster

    I had to enable SmartGuard, so Time Machine on macOS is doing the right thing. This was recommended in Parallels documentation if I remember correctly. But now I am getting snapshots of my Windows VM created frequently and they are slow and take up a lot of space. I only have a minute to cancel a new snapshot when it randomly starts. And often I miss the dialog. And it takes forever to delete an unwanted snapshot and is very disruptive. I would like to always confirm snapshot creation and disable automatic snapshots.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, would you like to completely disable auto snapshot creation?
    What is your Parallels Desktop version?

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