As I've already answered on GitHub, Time Sync can only be disabled via GUI.
This feature does not allows to use different timezones on the host and guest machines (in Linux guest, at least).
Being enabled, "Time Sync" will forcibly set the guest's time exactly the same as the host's time, including the timezone.
In your case you should do the following:
1) Shutdown your VM and then disable Time Syncing manually in the VM configuration: "Configure -> Options -> Advanced". Set "Time" to "Do not sync".
2) Boot your VM and customize it's timezone, like so (input commands to the guest's console):
3) Install and configure ntpd, which will be taking care about time correctness in your guest VM.
P.s. Seems like this topic is not related to Vagrant Parallels provider directly, so that It would be better to move it to the "Generic Questions" forum
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2014