Disk Read Error Message

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by NikkiC, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. StaceOz

    StaceOz Bit poster

    I have the same error and have added the string as suggested to no avail, still boot stops at "a disk read error occurred"
  2. aa.

    aa. Member

    could you please boot VM, wait until error appeared, then generate the problem report, and tell me the ID?
    top menu -> Help -> Report a problem

    Thank you!
  3. scottsull7

    scottsull7 Bit poster

    Similar problem today

    I've had the same problem occur today after my MacBook Pro shut down on battery drain. I've submitted a problem report and the number is 7744818.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    When I attempt to start the Vista VM I get a "Disk read error occured...Press Ctrl+Alt+Del" message. In troubleshooting, I have two .pvm files for this VM, I think. One is directly in my Documents folder and is named Windows Vista.pvm (last modified 11/19/09). It is 29.33 GB and the package contents include a Windows Applications folder. There is another Windows Vista.pvm file in the Documents/Parallels folder that is only 2.75 GB, has no Windows Applications folder, and has a modified date of today at 2:11. Very confused as to what file to try to back-up in order to attempt any kind of repair on the VM. HELP!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  4. Dent McCutcheon

    Dent McCutcheon Bit poster

    disk read error while loading WinXP VM

    Thanks for the reply aa. I'll try your suggestions when I get a chance.

    Since I my last post I have run a couple of scans using Drive Genius 2.3. Both full scans reported one block bad (this on a MacMini HDD which is only about a year and half old). I was hoping that the bad block would be marked as such and allow the VM to load. Unfortunately the problem persisted.

    I tried shutting down Parallels and copying the Windows XP.pvm file to an external drive as a backup before attempting to recreate the Windows XP VM from scratch. The copy process stopped with a read error at 75.4GB (of 220GB file) ea. of two times I attempted it. I finally just deleted the VM and am recreating it from scratch now. Hopefully I'll be able to restore the Windows state using a recent Retrospect backup on a NAS drive.

    One question for you - I do have a 75+ GB .pvm file on an external USB HDD that is only a portion of the 220GB .pvm file I was attempting to copy as a backup. My Retrospect backup of the C: drive shows only about 40GB and I assume is complete. I'm assuming the balance of the 220GB file was probably occupied by snapshots (previously set to 5) and that the 75GB .pvm file might contain at least the latest state of the VM and a portion of one recent snapshot. Is it possible to recover data from a portoin of a recovered pvm file or is all lost?
  5. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Thanks! We will investigate your report.
    Before repairing back-up both VM's.

    It depends from the data that was copied. You can explore .pvm package Show Package Contents.
    Did you try solution from Microsoft's KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314058 ? (Before repairing back-up VM)
  6. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    There are only Documents/Parallels/Windows Vista.pvm in the log (and no information about Documents/Windows Vista.pvm).
    Also detected that Documents/Parallels/Windows Vista.pvm/harddisk0.hdd is about 33 GB (detect time is 28 of January at 11:00).

    Please back up both VMs and try to use recovery console (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392) for VM, that is used in Parallels Desktop (you will need to boot VM in Parallels Desktop using Windows Vista installation DVD).
  7. Dent McCutcheon

    Dent McCutcheon Bit poster

    Previously I was unable to access the the .pvm file located on my MacMini hard drive using Show Package Contents. I find this morning that I can at least list the contents of the Windows XP.pvm file on my ext USB drive created by the failed copy attempt. It shows the Windows XP-0.hdd file there. Won't know whether it's intact till later when i have time to explore. I was also previously unable to boot to the Recovery Console for the corrupted Windows XP.pvm using the DVD drive. I'll try importing the partial copy .pvm file from the ext. USB later and see if I can use Recovery Console to run CHKDSK, fixboot, and fixmbr on the Windows XP-0.hdd.

    Just received replacement drive for the macMini and will undertake replacement later. Don't really want to undertake additional troubleshooting until I know I have an error free HDD in the MacMini.
  8. scottsull7

    scottsull7 Bit poster


    Thanks for the reply. You are correct about the .pvm paths.

    I've tried to repair the VM using the system recovery. However, when I get to the step for selecting which OS to repair, there is no OS to be selected. I can click 'Next' and get to the options for the repair (repair/restore/command prompt/etc.) but nothing seems to work.

    Can you help me understand why there are two .pvm files? I also have two 'Windows Applications' folders. The 33 GB .pvm file will boot up, but it boots up a Vista with files and applications that haven't been updated since November 2009. I'm certain that the smaller .pvm file in the Documents/Parallels/ path is what I've been using, but it seems unusally small to have Vista, MS Office and numerous other applications installed. What gives?

    I would be relatively content if I could just find a way to get my files, because I don't mind doing a fresh install of Windows. I just can't find a way to get to the Windows Documents folder through my Mac Finder.

  9. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Please make following commands in Terminal:
    cd /Users/<your_account>/Documents
    ls -lahR "Windows Vista.pvm" > windows_vista.txt
    ls -lahR "Parallels/Windows Vista.pvm" > parallels__windows_vista.txt

    and send me resulting .txt files (attach to this topic or private message, to do this see Attachments and Images in FAQ). I will try to help you.
  10. Dent McCutcheon

    Dent McCutcheon Bit poster

    Unable to browse Windows XP-0.hdd

    Copied the partial backup of Windows XP.pvm back to the local Mac HDD now that I've replaced it. Show Package contents shows the package contents, including Windows XP-0.hdd. However, if I attempt to browse the contents of that file I get two dialog boxes, the first indicates it can't ope with write permissions and prompts for me to open read-only instead. If I choose to open read only I then receive an error dialog reporting Parallels is unable to browse the file.

    If I try to open the Windows XP.pvm file in Parallels, it boots to the Windows XP setup (I've got the DVD drive of the VM pointing to an iso image of the setup disc). When I attempt to use Recovery Console I'm informed that no hard drives are attached.

    I've also tried creating an entirely new Windows XP VM from scratch, then using Retrospect to restore my most recent backup. After restoring the backup and restarting the VM, WinXP never loads again - Normal mode, Safe mode, or after using the Recovery Console to run CHKDSK, FIXBOOT and FIXMBR.

    Any ideas?

  11. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Looks like broken hdd image.

    What error did you get on VM boot after FIXBOOT and FIXMBR ?
    Could you please generate a problem report (Help->Report a problem)?
  12. tcbailey239

    tcbailey239 Bit poster

    a disk read error occurred

    I started Parallels today and was greeted by a "a disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" error. I've tried several tips presented in other areas of these forums along with tips found on the internet but cannot get this machine running. Even if I could just recover data that was on the drive I'll be glad to make a new VM.

    Clicked on report a problem and was given ID 7824292.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Please, try to mount disk using Parallels Mounter. If data will be available you need to repair MBR and filesystem boot sector using bootrec.exe in recovery console (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392)
  14. tcbailey239

    tcbailey239 Bit poster

    Thank you for the quick response. I received a licensed copy of parallels 5 in a training class I attended. It had an online download. My parallels directory does not have a "mounter" application nor could I figure out how to download one. Any advice?
  15. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Just try double click on .hdd file. Or try bootrec.exe from KB without checking disk in Parallels Mounter.

    I don't know why, but sometimes boot sectors became corrupted. bootrec.exe will fix it.
  16. tcbailey239

    tcbailey239 Bit poster

    Thanks again for the quick help. I right click on .pvm file and show contents. I have a file named "Windows Vista-0.hdd" that if I double click on says "the document "windows vista-0.hdd" could not be opened". I right click on it instead and show contents and have another group of files with one named "windows vista-0.hdd". I double click on that one and it pulls up a white screen in a pop up window with a flashing cursor. Almost like a notepad where I can type. There is a 2nd file in that 2nd group of files named "windows vista-0.hdd.0.{5fbaabe3-...9aab41}.hds It is 3.76GB. If I double click on that it brings up a similar notepad that is huge with unknown coding. Am I right clicking in the correct area?

    I originally had Vista which was upgraded to Win7. I put the Win7 upgrade disc in and boot to it. Try "repair disk" option at beginning. But my OS doesn't show in the dialoge box to select the OS I want to repair. I tried my Visat OS CD, repair disk, same problem. I select command prompt in both, "bootrec /fixboot" and "bootrec /fixmbr" and both quickly reply "the operation completed successfully". I try "bootrec /scan os" and it takes a minute before saying "successfully scanned windows installations. Total identified windows installations: 0 The operation completed successfully."
  17. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    You don't need to explore "windows vista-0.hdd". In any case do not edit files in text editor.

    Did you try to boot VM after this?
  18. tcbailey239

    tcbailey239 Bit poster

    Sorry if I didn't make that clear earlier, yes I tried to start the VM again after performing the bootrec commands. It still reported an error of "a disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart"

    Could the file size of the .hdd file indicate anything. I mean can a Win7 vm only be 3.7gb?
  19. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    3.7 GB is small for Windows 7.

    In Terminal type following (/Path/to/VM replace with real path to .pvm bundle):
    cd /Path/to/VM/windows\ vista-0.hdd
    ls -lh
  20. tcbailey239

    tcbailey239 Bit poster

    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx 10 11768 staff 340B Feb 6 15:52 Chroms OS.pvm
    drwx------@ 10 11768 staff 340B Feb 6 15:27 Windows XP.pvm
    drwx------@ 12 11768 staff 408B Feb 7 09:13 Windows7.pvm

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