DMG version

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Member

    Where's the DMG download link for the Mac client for OS 10.6+?

    If I'm installing the client on one of our Macs here I don't want to have to sign in to the Mac App Store each time.....
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    There is no DMG download link, but they have a PKG version for MacOS 10.6+ in their beta download page.
  3. levins0

    levins0 Bit poster

    Does the pkg version have the CLI? I installed the latest from the app store, but there doesn't seem to be a CLI version, and I would like to automate the login process for some users.

    Also, do you have a pointer to the beta download page? I can't seem to find it on the site.

  4. j.a.duke

    j.a.duke Bit poster

    There isn't a DMG version if there isn't an active beta.

    Here's a link to get a real installer from the App Store that doesn't require an App Store login to restart:

    Just follow the basic idea and you'll get a real installer out of it.

    Unfortunately, the current v11 client in seems to have issues with 10.6.8. And the ability to access local drives seems to have been lost as well.

    I don't understand why a company that is selling to the enterprise needs to distribute their client through the Mac App Store. There is no value for their current or future customers to do so.

  5. jpc

    jpc Pro

    You can contact 2X Support and they should be able to provide you with an enterprise version. I think that not having a direct link to may have something to do with the AppStore requirements.

    Drive redirection is available. However, due to the sandbox restrictions you just will need to manually enable it and select which folders/drives you want to redirect.

    Edit: Due to sandbox restrictions, it is available from OS X 10.7 onward.
  6. j.a.duke

    j.a.duke Bit poster


    I have contacted 2X support and been told there is no non-App Store (nAS) version available.

    Numerous developers have both nAS & AS versions available (Omni Group, Pixelmator, GraphicConverter, etc.), so I don't see how Apple can legally restrict a single dev from not going that route.

    I did find the Drive redirection section-moved from prefs to options.

    For those of you playing along at home, the trick I outlined to capture the package does not require you to have an active AS login on the destination system. The package is fully stand-alone package that can be distributed with your chosen software update tool.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask-I'll be glad to contribute what I know.

  7. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @j.a.duke: You're right. The enterprise version is available only for iOS

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