Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by nerdpatrol, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. nerdpatrol

    nerdpatrol Guest

    DNS LBENABLED, I didnt see anything on this on the msi guide, can you tell me the details on it.
  2. Cedric

    Cedric Guest

    DNSLBENABLED property is not documented.

    2X released this feature in version 4.3.0.

    When DNSLBENABLED is configured to ‘1’ client will randomly connects to one of the IPs obtained from the Domain Name Server (Useful to load balance gateways)

    For more information refer: http://downloads.2x.com/appserver-loadb ... ngeLog.txt

    With this option enabled, if a DNS name has more than one IP associated with it. e.g gateway.local :,,

    Clients configured to connect with gateway1.local; will be randomly connected with the configured IPs on the DNS server.

    If this option is disabled, clients will usually connect with if it is available.

    This feature will allow basic load balancing of 2X Client Gateways and is useful for large environments which require to load balance 2X Client Gateways.

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