Do Not Disturb

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by ChristopherR17, May 4, 2021.

  1. ChristopherR17

    ChristopherR17 Bit poster

    Is there any way to stop Parallels client from turning on Do Not Disturb when in a remote session? When i switch back to the mac side i see the DnD moon icon in the top menubar so i can only assume that is why I am not receiving any of my mac side notifications when i am in the parallels client. It is very annoying and causing me to miss things. Thnaks.
  2. ChristopherR17

    ChristopherR17 Bit poster

    Has literally nobody else noticed this? Just curious when the next update might be to resolve this. is this software indeed still getting updates?

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