Does Transporter support 2000 Server?

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by SCUser, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. SCUser

    SCUser Junior Member

    I have been trying to transport an ancient machine with minimal success. I have the disks images transported and they appear complete.

    When I try to generate the vm, however, (I use new, custom and select my .hdd) telling that I am using Windows 2000, it proceeds to the starting windows page (makes the dots solid) and then uses large quantities of cpu for a very long time. :(

    In addition to possibly not handling 2000 server (I that thought it was just 2000 pro for years), I may have an issue as it is sp3 (sp4 is available and recommended).

    Unfortunately, in performing the transfer (or looking at the disk) I have introduced a "Kernel file missing" on the existing windows. (It has been running successfully for many years). I may have done this when I made a copy of the disk utility picture for the Parallels support. Other than installing Transporter and looking at the disk page I have done nothing . . .

    So, the question is does Parallels handle 2000 server. It does not say specifically that I have found. If so, I will attempt to resolve sp and other images. If not, then I will run to Fusion that does support 2000 Server (or at least it says it does, which is not necessarily the same thing).

    As always, help would be appreciated,


  2. SCUser

    SCUser Junior Member

    Yes it does. There are some issues, but it does very well in the end.

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