Don't have sound in XP.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Divi, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    moff, sorry, If I am missing something,
    I can see yo have various problems,
    Could you create ticket in support we can check all of them?
  2. moff

    moff Member

    John, hello AGAIN.... :)
    Yes, apparently you ARE missing something:
    1- There is a slight mistake in the terminology: I may have various problems, but the problems we are talking here are mine only because PARALLELS CREATED THEM. (And if you ask me, way too many and for way too long!)
    2- I did create a report yesterday:
    Tell me if there is anything else you need from me, or anything I can do to help. Have a good day. Saul
  3. Divi

    Divi Junior Member

    ok hi again.
    I understand that you sent my case to the developers,
    but still, I just don't understand how this is possible?
    I payed 80$ for this software, and I'm sitting in class next to someone who's using the FREE-ware VMbox or whatever, and he has sound and I don't.
    I think this is terrible!
    and I totally don't understand your lack of knowledge as to how to solve this.

    now, I'm having the same problem as the rest of the guys here. Chopped sound coming out of the speakers.
    windows itself installed a Realtek AC97 driver automatically, and still - chopped.

    So, I understand that the only solution is if I happen to find a Intel AC97 driver - which, from the last two hours of searching is quite impossible to find. So I'd really appreciate it if you'll care to just upload the driver onto this site - or to any downloadable site.

    And By the way, I tried reinstalling everything - Tools, Parallels itself, windows, what ever. Nothing works. and I'm using the New Mac btw.

    I really think that the only possible solution is for you to upload the correct driver.

    Thanks upfront, from a disappointed buyer (for now), Ziv.
  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Yep it is
    "There is a slight mistake in the terminology"
    I asked to create ticket in support not submit problem report

    Just in case
    here you can create ticket, and refer to me in ticket, I can trace it
  5. moff

    moff Member

    Hi John.
    I have no idea if this is what you meant, but the link you sent me ended up with this message:

  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    it is ok
    You will receive ticket ID by email
  7. Saul El-Or

    Saul El-Or Bit poster

    So... This Problem Still Not Solved??!!

    Hello. How long will it take to solve this problem??!!
  8. TucsonTom

    TucsonTom Member

    What if file dates don't match?

    My INF files have different dates than the PNF files. Is that a concern?
  9. TucsonTom

    TucsonTom Member

    Any chance you still have the email with the attachments? Can you forward them to me,
  10. TucsonTom

    TucsonTom Member

    How does one create a ticket in support? Can you provide a link to the support ticket submission site?
  11. Michael Mark

    Michael Mark Bit poster

    This worked for me, thank you!

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