Downloading the upgrade for Parallels Desktop build 5584 (from build 5582)

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Peter Joh, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. shavital

    shavital Member

    Sorry I can't help, but I can advise you to stop paying additional fees for phone support, that is not support at all. I am afraid that if you stay in this thread, you will not get the attention you are looking for. I would start a new thread, named XP sound problem.
  2. Kochneva Ksenia

    Kochneva Ksenia Bit poster


    Kathleen S, have you tried to reinstall Parallels Tools? You can do it from Parallels Desktop menu bar -> Actions.

    Could you let me know by Private Message the reference number you got when buying Parallels phone support?

    Best regards,
  3. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I reinstalled tools yesterday. No change in the problem.
  4. Kochneva Ksenia

    Kochneva Ksenia Bit poster

    Kathleen, please do the following:

    Open Device Manager (Control Panel -> System -> Hardware) and make a screenshot. Attach it to your next post, please.

    In Device Manager uninstall this device:

    Intel(r) 82801 BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller

    Shut down Windows. Open Configuration Editor and remove Sound device. Start Windows, then Shut down again. Quit Parallels.

    Start Parallels and open the VM Configuration Editor, add Sound device.

    Launch Windows. Cancel automatic sound device installation. Install Parallels Tools. This will let you to get the proper sound device and the sound will come back.

    Best regards,
  5. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I have done all the steps (except I don't know how to take a screenshot and attach it to a post here), up to cancelling automatic sound device installation. How do I do that?

    After that you say to install Parallels Tools. That is already installed.

    So now what should I do?
  6. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    attaching a snapshot?

    How do I attach a snapshot to a post here?
  7. shavital

    shavital Member

    After you have created the snap shot, to to the reply window, click on the 'Go Advanced' button, and use the resulting window's pop-up menus to navigate to the location of the snap-shot file, and upload it to your Reply. Hope this works.
  8. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    not sure this is working

    Okay. I clicked on the manage attachments menu and clicked on choose file. Then I selected the snapshot, but I'm not sure what happened next. I see no indication that it actually is attached. Please let me know if it is and you receive it, and if not, please tell me what I need to do next. I need very clear step by step instructions. This seems very complicated to me.

    Thank you for your patience, and sorry for my dimwittedness.

  9. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I also have not figured out how to "cancel automatic sound device installation" as directed in an earlier post. And I have already installed Parallels tool long ago. So please advise about those instructions further.

  10. shavital

    shavital Member

    Kathleen, nobody is dimwitted, it's all a matter of getting used to requirements and procedures. I can't see any attachment to your posting # 29, but in all truth, I have never experimented myself with posting (or receiving) attachments. I see, now, that the formats accepted by the attachment uploading window are: Attach Files
    Valid file extensions: bmp bz bz2 diff doc fdd gif gz jpe jpeg jpg patch pdf png psd tgz txt zip. Was your attachment within these requirements? If not, you should try again, after you save your attachment in one of the mentioned formats. I can't help with "cancel automatic sound device installation as directed by Xenon (who is a moderator), but I believe than you should re-install Parallels Tools again, *after* you perform the steps indicated by Xenon, because that manipulation of Windows and of the Configuration Editor (in my opinion) will nix your previous Parallels Tools installation.
    Kathleen, the procedure indicated by Xenon is not complicated, it's only a matter of going through the procedure step by step. If I may offer some advice, just take it easy. And enjoy your week end, possibly away from Parallels :) --Charly
  11. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    screenshot, second attempt

    Here is the screenshot. I think it is here now. I'll hope to hear from Xenon about the rest of the problem.

    Attached Files:

  12. shavital

    shavital Member

    Kathleen, the screen shot is there now, it's a 24.8 KB .jpg image. I have tried to make something out of it. I can barely read the text, and when I zoom it in Preview, NeoOffice 2.2.3, or Graphic Converter, details get blurred. I hope Xenon will assist. I wonder whether you could try and generate a screen shot with a higher resolution, but anyway you should wait for Xenon's feedback.
  13. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I don't know how to make the screenshot any easier to read after attaching it. On my computer it is quite simple to read, and very plain. If anyone can advise me about that I'd appreciate it.

    Now . . . I think I have figured out how to do all the stuff I was directed to do by Xenos. But alas, there is no change. Everything looks and acts exactly the same as it did before.

    More ideas?


    P.S. I do have to take a break from this now and finish up my worship prep for Easter Sunday morning.
  14. shavital

    shavital Member

    Right you are, take a break. These computer problems always get solved. Take care.
  15. Kochneva Ksenia

    Kochneva Ksenia Bit poster


    Charly, thank you for the help.

    Kathleen, you should click "Cancel" to cancel automatic sound device installation.

    Please install Parallels Tools from Parallels Desktop menu bar -> Actions - they will get reinstalled this way. Otherwise you will not get the proper sound device.

    When you perform all the steps proposed in my previous post, please make a screenshot of the Device Manager again. Open Sound controllers tree (click +) before making the screenshot. Use these keys: Command+Shift+4 - to capture selection to file.

    Best regards,
  16. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I hope I am not duplicating this note, but I don't see it so I must not have hit post quick reply. I appreciate your instructions, but the problem I have with them is that I don't know where to find the option to "cancel" automatic sound device installation. And when I open Windows again and check the device manager everything is as it was before I did anything.

    If a button for "Cancel" appeared, that would obviously be quite simple. But I don't know where it is supposed to be.

    Thank you,
    Kathleen Splitt
  17. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    I have done all of your instructions. But when I get to the point of "Cancel automatic sound device installation," I don't know where to find the option to "cancel." The only thing I have found is going back into the device manager, the Inter(r) 82801 BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller appears again. It is as if I made no changes at all from when I started. Please send more info about the "cancel" instruction. If there were a "cancel" button to click, that would be obvious and I would have already clicked it. But it does not appear anywhere I have looked.
  18. Kochneva Ksenia

    Kochneva Ksenia Bit poster

    Kathleen S, as far as I can see the proper driver gets installed by default without any notifications in your case. Have you reinstalled Parallels Tools?

    If you do not have sound after reinstalling Parallels Tools, please check Sound settings on Windows side. Open Control Panel -> Sounds and audio devices. On Sound tab maximize Device volume. Click "Advanced" button in the same section and put all sliders to maximum.

    Best regards,
  19. Kathleen

    Kathleen Member

    If it does automatically install the proper driver then it seems that all this was pointless since the driver that appears seems to be the same one removed. And . . . after doing all this the sound is just as bad. Yes, I have turned the volume up as much as possible.

  20. Kochneva Ksenia

    Kochneva Ksenia Bit poster

    Kathleen, our aim was to reinstall the driver, and we reinstalled it.
    You did not have any sound and now you have, but the quality is bad - am I right?
    I will ask our QA team to make some tests and will let you know as soon as they give me the feedback.

    Best regards,

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