Drag and drop between the local machine and our remote application

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by duraid, Aug 17, 2017.


Drag and drop files between local machine and remote APP

  1. Yes very useful

  2. Not important

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  1. duraid

    duraid Bit poster


    We are recently tested your remote application server and we deiced to go ahead. But we have quite large user base and some of the functionalities to drag and drop files from our application to windows machine and from windows back to our application is very critical to us. We have tested it using parallels access client the windows application.

    Can you please let us know if your development team have any indication when this can be achieved by?

  2. KevinC6

    KevinC6 Bit poster

    We experience the same issue, however we get around it by enabling Folder Redirection. The problem comes from people that are working remote where by the folder redirection is disconnected (offline files). If they create a word document then they cannot drag and drop it to outlook as an attachment. Users tend to get confused between a published app and a actual installed app. The other work around is to enable local drive mapping (set a policy to only map the "C" drive) this will allow you to set the association of published apps extensions, and allows a user to double click on a word document saved on the desktop to open the published word app. (still not not tackle the need to drag a file as an attachment in any other app like email).
    duraid likes this.
  3. duraid

    duraid Bit poster

    Thanks Kevin we currently using mapped drive for each user . But would like to see Parallels can implement a feature to allow drag and drop between host apps and local PC using Parallels installed windows APP. That will be extremely useful for end users experience not sure if this supported by windows OS.
  4. KevinC6

    KevinC6 Bit poster

    Yes I do agree! I feel that they have it already on the road map.

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