Drag and Drop lost Focus

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by BonnieH, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. BonnieH

    BonnieH Bit poster

    When Dragging and Dropping the focus of the keyboard is on the parallels box( with the green loading bar) rather than the hosted application box of which the item was just brought into , then have to click on the hosted application to type rather than it automatically defaulting to do that as it does with all the other connections.

    Happens with all attachments, has been ongoing for months. No antivirus firewalls, hardwired connection , happens to all users at the agency - paralells is up to date. Connection has been rebuilt on various occasions.

    Has anyone else seen this happen ?

    The focus stays on this box rather than the box defaulting to be behind the hosted application
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @BonnieH Does the drag drop progress dialog automatically disappear after some time (say 30-60 seconds), or does it disappear only after filling in the details in the hosted application?
  3. BonnieH

    BonnieH Bit poster

    Only goes away after filling in the info for the attachment through the hosted application

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