Duplicate MAC address detected

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by mcdirt, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. mcdirt

    mcdirt Bit poster

    I was getting this message in v4 and now I have started getting it in v5 a few days after upgrading, it renames my virtual machine from XP Pro to XP Pro(1).

    I only run one VM with XP Pro and always shut it down rather than Suspend etc.
    Why is this happening and how I stop it?

    Any help appreciated.

    rgds McDirt

    Attached Files:

  2. NickDoum

    NickDoum Bit poster

    Anyone have an answer to this, I am getting the same problem everytime I start a Windows 7 VM
  3. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Does "Generate new" help?
    If it doesn't, we'd appreciate if you could send a problem report: it can be done using menu menu of Parallels Desktop "Help" -> "Report a Problem". Please post its number here
  4. mcdirt

    mcdirt Bit poster

    "Generate New" and "Use Existing" are the choices and they both seem to have the same result - I now have 10 "Windows Applications for XP Pro (1)(1)(1)" type folders in my Apps folder and my virtual hard disc is now called "Microsoft Windows XP (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1).pvm".

    I sent a full problem report about a week ago and have heard nothing back.

    rgds McDirt
  5. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Problem reports are mostly an instrument to investigate some problem.

    Of course reported crashes automatically go to the bug-tracking program and to development, but most of the time it is required to either create a support ticket or report it in forum. So, please send a problem report one more time or, if you remember the number of last one, post its id here
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  6. NickDoum

    NickDoum Bit poster

    I changed to bridge networking and generated a new MAC address. So far it seems to be working fine
  7. mcdirt

    mcdirt Bit poster

    Elric, have sent another Problem Report = ID 1175967
    NickDoum, thanks for suggestion.

    rgds McDirt
  8. Tom Jason

    Tom Jason Bit poster

    thank you.
  9. waschbaer

    waschbaer Bit poster

    Same error message here. Any solutions yet? I am running Windows XP in Parallels 5 and getting this message since a couple of weeks. Of course you can just accept the reissuing of a new MAC address but the process is still a bit annoying and shouldn't happen!
  10. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    I'm getting a little tired of this error...


    I'm getting quite tired of this error... it makes NO difference if one "generates" a new mac address of uses the existing... but the real pain is the renaming of the existing machine by adding an incremental number in brackets, as described above.

    SURELY you must be having this problem with many users...? Surely, since it doesn't seem remotely unique, someone in your office has seen this problem (I do assume that the entire support and development team for Desktop for Mac ARE using Mac OS X and your own product? Extensively?

    I cannot recall if this error became a problem when I started using the Beta version of Parallels 5 or when I started with Snow Leopard. But either way, both are here to stay!

    P.S. For the reference, this can nearly always be replicated by simply switching off your Mac with Windows running in Parallels (this is what happened last night, when I forgot I had started insomaniax to watch TV with the lid closed!

    BUT... it can also happen at other times. I will start to make a note and report exactly the other occasions, but since it can SO EASILY BE REPLICATED, I really do think this is something you can start fixing now!

  11. mcdirt

    mcdirt Bit poster

    Yes, I'm still getting the problem - even after two recent updates to Parallels. Had hoped it would be fixed in one of those updates.

    rgds McDirt
  12. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    Yep, again & again... I've reported this time. PLEASE FIX!


    It's happened again... this time I had (accidentally, due to another bug with Crystal Mode, Quitted Parallels using CMD/Q hoping it would just close the Crystal Window)... I restarted Parallels almost immediately and got the same error.

    You can have a copy of my screen... but it's the same as everyone elses... and of course I got over 10 short cuts in my applications folder and the renamed virtual machine.

    I really would be grateful for a fix... it really can't be that hard!

    REPORT number: ID 2545328

    Thanks, Nic.

    Attached Files:

  13. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    Hello? Parallels Support?

    I really would appreciate a reply to this... it has been going on for a long time now, and I am a little tired of the problem. HOWEVER...

    I might be able to throw some more light on the issues. We (or at least members of this forum) have assumed the problem is related to networking... but I now realise that it is NOT! For some reason, and at times inexplicably (today it happened with no MAC crash, no Parallels crash... and even worse it happened after a suspend, so I lost the state)...

    ... the VM "RENAMES" itself to VMname +(n). The error message about the duplicate MAC is probably right and standard, because now I have a VM called "Windows 7 (1)" renamed from my "Windows 7" and of course Parallels does have that MAC address registered under a different name! Hence why it makes no difference as to what option one choses with the error message.

    This actually means there is NO error message telling me the VM had been renamed, or why. It just happens.

    I really would appreciate some feedback from Parallels Support.

  14. Blake Sobiloff

    Blake Sobiloff Bit poster

    Me too

    I just started seeing this problem as well. It continues even after installing the new update to Build 5.0.9310. It didn't happen with WinXP or Win7 (RC7100), but now that I've upgraded to the released version of Win7 Pro I'm seeing the same renaming and MAC address errors as others have posted in this thread.
  15. beta_willray

    beta_willray Bit poster


    When you changed to Bridged Networking did you leave things as default setting? Any special steps necessary other than that switch?
    Any problems yet?

    Any possible problems that could be caused by switching to this kind of networking?


    I'm trying to solve this problem asap.

  16. FredrikK

    FredrikK Bit poster

    Just to confirm more users getting same behavior. I had the problem in Parallels ver. 4 and it continues in ver. 5.

    Attached Files:

  17. Steve_J

    Steve_J Bit poster

    "Duplicate MAC address detected" error message

    Hey Guys,

    I'm getting the same error message and all I was doing was trying to copy my Windows XP virtual machine to an external Maxtor hard drive.

    I've contacted Parallels [paid] Phone Support 3 times over the last 2 weeks about various problems with my Parallels Desktop for Mac software.

    The first time the Support representative hung up on me when I told him that he hadn't fixed my problem. During the next 2 phone support calls, the Support representatives couldn't fix my problem and told me that they would have their upper-level tech support team call me about the problem...

    You guessed it..., I never heard back from Parallels Support either time!

    I think the Parallels software package is great; but, [in my humble opinion], the Support is lacking... (even when you pay for it...:)

  18. beta_willray

    beta_willray Bit poster


    Yes, this is exactly the same issue for me with Win7 Pro
  19. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    Nothing new?

    Well, it seems nothing new is happening with this... and now that I get it with suspended VMs (which then subsequently crash), it is a BIG problem for me. Maybe it's time for another refund from Parallels? I don't mind the fact that a bug exists, but total silence from Parallels is NOT acceptable.

    For the record, I am fairly sure the problem has NOTHING to do with NETWORKING... nor the "Duplicate MAC Address Detected" error message. The error message is the result (correctly) of a different problem.

    What is think is happening:

    1) Somehow (either when a VM is closed or suspended) when starting a VM, intermittently, Parallels Desktop RENAMES the VM to VMname + (n+1). So, now, for some reason unknown, the VM has a new name.

    2) This VM now tries to start but, when registering itself with Parallels Desktop, it finds that the MAC address for the VM is already registered. Well, of course it is, because this is the same VM as before, just with a different name. So, we get the error message, telling us we have a duplicate MAC address.

    3) We can use the existing MAC address if we want (not that it makes much difference to 99% of users), since the VM that Parallels Desktop sees registered with the old name does not actually exist anymore!

    I am going to write to Customer Service and see what happens. I'll keep you posted!

  20. Jan Stuijfzand

    Jan Stuijfzand Bit poster

    is this problem still not solved?!? i keep on getting this problem over and over again when trying to use the same VM in shared folder on different accounts, wich by the way is also a problem never solved (using one vm from different accounts [from parallels3 on and on])

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