Edit MSI to include password and server?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by brianlees, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. brianlees

    brianlees Guest

    I think I can do this, but I'm not clear. Can I insert a password and the server name into the client MSI? I have ORCA and I asw the username property and added that. I didn't see a password or server name property, though. Of course, I'm most likely just blind and missed it!

    Any ideas?


  2. brianlees

    brianlees Guest

    OK, I see the servername entry. Only thing I don't see is the password entry. I do see clearpassword. Is that the same thing?
  3. nixu

    nixu Guest

    Hi there,

    The password field cannot be entered directly through the msi, since the password field is not stored as clear text.

    What the MSI offers is the clearpassword field. When the client logs on the first time this field is read and converted to the password field.

  4. brianlees

    brianlees Guest

    Are there any plans to add this functionality?
  5. nixu

    nixu Guest

    Not that i know of.......
  6. brianlees

    brianlees Guest

    Perhaps I'll put in a feature request. We have several apps that store information in the user profile, which makes it difficult to have multiple users logging into the server. I setup a user that everyone can share for these apps. It allows all the settings to be the same - very important. So, you can see why it would be great if I could embed the password in the MSI...or a transform.

    Thanks for the info.

  7. kgwin

    kgwin Guest

    I opened the .msi in ORCA but I can't find the servername entry. Where can I find it?
  8. nixu

    nixu Guest

    You need to manually add that entry,

    Pls refer to the user manual

  9. kgwin

    kgwin Guest

    got it thanks.

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