Enhanded Single Sign on for Kerberos, Windows Hello for Business and FIDO Keys

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by MarcoH10, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. MarcoH10

    MarcoH10 Bit poster

    We are currently doing a PoC of Parallels RAS in a Windows 11 EntraID only environment:
    Passwordless Logon via Windows Hello for Business with Kerberos Cloud Trust enabled.
    FIDO security Key Login via Windows Hello for Business with Kerberos Cloud Trust enabled.
    In both cases, Parallels RAS Windows Client silent SSO isn't available. Only when I log on with a password into the client, native SSO works.
    This sounds like the exact same issue Citrix is facing and a challenge Parallels also has to face.
    Can you please elaborate, to add Passwordless native SSO to your Windows Client via Kerberos Cloud Trust SSO, so Parallels also supports the Passwordless transformation?

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