1. TheGreg

    TheGreg Bit poster

    I don't even have Guest accounts...

    This is strange as I have never had any issues until recently when configuring my machine for development on a new project where I modified or removed my .profile and .bash_profile configs, which really should not have impacted Parallels at all unless it requires the JVM (not!).

    However, I am now locked out of Parallels which is quite crippling...
  2. Nien-PoC

    Nien-PoC Bit poster

    Mac OS X 10.6.8 with PD 6 needs upgrading to PD9. I encounter the same error code while installing PD 9 over PD 6.

    I have tried the tips mentioned in the previous posts. However, "dscl . -list /Users UniqueID" command shows that my MBP only has one account 'root' with UID=0. This somewhat contradicts the solution description. My MBP does not have other account with UID=0, so it makes the solution useless.

    So, I remove and trash Parallel Desktop.app. Re-install PD6 for now. This makes me feel that the money I spent on getting PD9 is wasted.
  3. TheGreg

    TheGreg Bit poster

    I have also done this, I have also tried to remove every single reference to Parallels in an attempt to get to a fresh install point - including the following:
    rm -rf /Users/[$USERNAME]/Library/Parallels/
    rm -rf /Users/[$USERNAME]/Library/Logs/parallels*
    rm -rf /Users/[$USERNAME]/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.parallels.desktop.console.savedState/
    rm -rf /Users/[$USERNAME]/Library/Preferences/com.parallels.*
    rm -rf /Users/[$USERNAME]/Library/Preferences/Parallels/
    rm -rf Applications\ \(Parallels\)/
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs/parallels*
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/Parallels/
    sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/Parallels/
    sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/Parallels
    and nothing is working. AND, Parallels support hasn't made a single whisper on this thread to help its paying customers. I find this incredibly irritating. I haven't been able to access my Windows partition for 3 weeks now.
  4. rkulikov

    rkulikov Parallels Developers

    Please, send Problem Report and post its number here.
  5. TheGreg

    TheGreg Bit poster

    Thank you - here is the problem report: 43759522
  6. rkulikov

    rkulikov Parallels Developers

    In your system.log:
    .../inittool: line 5: basename: command not found
    .../inittool: line 34: dirname: command not found
    .../inittool: line 72: logger: command not found

    All these utils are placed in /usr/bin for normal OS X system. So either your PATH environment variable doesn't have /usr/bin or these tools are just absent on this path. Take a look.
  7. TheGreg

    TheGreg Bit poster

    YES! Actually, usr/bin WAS in the path, but it was not in an order where Parallels was able to load them (my path is nightmare - this exercise was good to get it all cleaned up). But now - it RAN!! YES!!!!!

    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  8. Nien-PoC

    Nien-PoC Bit poster

    Since my post in last May, I have re-installed PD6 to meet my task requirement. Now that I am not so busy, I un-install PD6 (with PD6's uninstaller) and try to install PD9 again. This time, PD9.0.24237.1028877. However, the result is the same. The installer stops with an error of 15380.

    This time I remember to write down the report ID number after submitting the report. It is 47395457. Please take a look for me. Thanks.
  9. Nien-PoC

    Nien-PoC Bit poster

    While waiting for response, I install PD9 again on my MBP with OS X 10.6.8. The installer ends with the same error code 15380. However, I study the report detail this time. From the clue I get from the previous posts, I inspect the report's system log category. I use right click to get the contextual menu to select all and copy it. I paste the text to a text editor.

    I spotted an error entry 'chown command not found' issued by inittool.

    I check its where about by the command 'whereis chown' in a Terminal window. It shows it is in /usr/sbin

    Compared with the post by rkulikov, it seems that inittool expect several unix commands in /usr/bin, although only 'chown' is not found by inittool in my case.

    Therefore, I create a symbolic link of chown in /usr/bin by the following: (the sudo in the 2nd line requires you to enter administrator's password)
    cd /usr/bin
    sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/chown ./

    After that, I run the installer again. It finishes its task without any error.

    Problem is solved. Yes!

  10. Nien-PoC

    Nien-PoC Bit poster

    I made the conclusion too early. The first time I launch PD9 after successful installation, it does the usual things such as asking new activation code. Then, it encounters a new problem when it tries to launch the virtual Windows machine.

    It says, "Your virtual machine may run slow because virtualization support is disabled on your Mac."

    Then, it says, "Unable to load the Parallels Driver."

    The symptom is exactly described as in the page http://kb.parallels.com/en/111693

    I follow the resolution from step 1 to step 5 without any success.

    Again, I inspect the report detail after the error message "Unable to load the Parallels Driver" shows up. In the system log, a similar situation is spotted:
    Parallel Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/service (this is a shell script) uses three commands, kextstat, kextload, and SystemStarter, but cannot find them.

    The terminal window and whereis command reveals that all three commands exist in my system. Obviously, they are invisible to the shell script.

    In my system, they are at
    kextstat: /usr/sbin
    kextload: /sbin
    SystemStarter: /sbin

    Compare with the other shell commands used in the shell script, it seems that it can access to /usr/bin and /bin, but not /usr/sbin and /sbin.

    So, I create symbolic links again by the following:
    cd /usr/bin
    sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/kextstat ./

    cd /bin
    sudo ln -s /sbin/kextload ./
    sudo ln -s /sbin/SystemStarter ./

    Now, the virtual machine launches successfully.
  11. Nien-PoC

    Nien-PoC Bit poster

    I made the conclusion too early. The first time I launch PD9 after successful installation, it does the usual things such as asking new activation code. Then, it encounters a new problem when it tries to launch the virtual Windows machine.

    It says, "Your virtual machine may run slow because virtualization support is disabled on your Mac."

    Then, it says, "Unable to load the Parallels Driver."

    The symptom is exactly described as in the page http://kb.parallels.com/en/111693

    I follow the resolution from step 1 to step 5 without any success.

    Again, I inspect the report detail after the error message "Unable to load the Parallels Driver" shows up. In the system log, a similar situation is spotted:
    Parallel Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/service (this is a shell script) uses three commands, kextstat, kextload, and SystemStarter, but cannot find them.

    The terminal window and whereis command reveals that all three commands exist in my system. Obviously, they are invisible to the shell script.

    In my system, they are at
    kextstat: /usr/sbin
    kextload: /sbin
    SystemStarter: /sbin

    Compare with the other shell commands used in the shell script, it seems that it can access to /usr/bin and /bin, but not /usr/sbin and /sbin.

    So, I create symbolic links again by the following:
    cd /usr/bin
    sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/kextstat ./

    cd /bin
    sudo ln -s /sbin/kextload ./
    sudo ln -s /sbin/SystemStarter ./

    Now, the virtual machine launches successfully.
  12. duanemitchell

    duanemitchell Bit poster

    For me it turned out that I was missing the file /bin/echo which is as basic a unix file as there is. I have no idea how it got deleted from my system. Probably when I was trying a new bash update. Luckily I have a good backup system and was able to retrieve it. What lead me there was using the top command to watch the install and seeing that there were 1000s and 1000s of bash processes being created. I then used the Console app to inspect the system log. I searched on "inittool" and found the error. I copied the backed version of echo into place and all has been fine.
    /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/inittool: line 611: /bin/echo: No such file or directory
    /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/inittool: line 191: /bin/echo: No such file or directory
  13. Danielv1

    Danielv1 Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I have exactely the same problem but my UIDs are completely correct. I have tried EVERYTHING (rights, deinstallation etc.) and nothing works.

    This drives me really crazy because my customer want to work.

    I REALLY need a solution that works!!!!

    Thank you!

  14. Danielv1

    Danielv1 Bit poster

    PLEASE help me!
    Report Number: 67828749
  15. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hi Danielv1, I looked at your problem report yesterday as a colleague asked. I presume the problem is with stat(1) utility. Please kindly reply to the email sent by engineer, so we could continue working on the issue!
  16. Aiden

    Aiden Bit poster

    hi guys,

    Report number:

    How can i fix this?

  17. Aiden

    Aiden Bit poster

    Open the applications folder > Parallels Desktop (if its not there, attempt to install Parallels 9 from here:
    You should get the error while installing. Close that window.
    go back to the applications folder > Parallels Desktop and open that file.
    log into paralles from there
    Insert your serial code
    open your existing Microsoft Windows platform from there

  18. LeanderC

    LeanderC Bit poster

    Figured my problem out.
    Using El Capitan - I enabled rootless mode and then attempted reinstalling PD. Worked well.
  19. KirosN

    KirosN Bit poster

    Please help Report number:264290833 thanks!
  20. AJ@Parallels


    Hello KirosN, May I know the version of Mac OS X and the Parallels Desktop you have now?

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