Error Connecting

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Android' started by PhantomMs1, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. PhantomMs1

    PhantomMs1 Guest

    I get the error code
    the connectiong was ended because of a network error, do you want to reconnect?

    i get this over wifi and over 3g with excelent service. i can connect from my computer wherever i am. any suggestions?
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    hi phantom,
    never seen that b4, what 2x version are you using? what's the os on this pc? did u disable the firewall/antivirus/UAC?
  3. lcampbell

    lcampbell Guest

    I'm getting the same error on a new Samsung Galaxy Tab running Honeycomb 3.1 trying to connect to a 2008r2 standard server

    Acts as if its connecting but all i get is a black screen and the error shows down in corner
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    normally disconnect and reconnect should solve this kind of issues.

    if it persists it is better if you open a support ticket
  5. tmoca

    tmoca Guest

    I too am having this issue connecting to a W7Pro machine. No issues connecting from another windows or mac machine on or off my network. Just my Android devices.

    Did you find a solution for yourself?
  6. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Do you have NLA enabled? If so, the 2X Android client does not currently support it. Please refer to this other post which has the solution you may be looking for.

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