Hi, I'm on OSX 10.12.2 with Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Business Edition Version 12.1.1 (41491) with vagrant-parallels (1.7.0), Vagrant 1.9.1, and Packer 0.12.1. I get this when I try to build an image with Packer now: parallels-iso output will be in this color. ==> parallels-iso: Downloading or copying ISO parallels-iso: Downloading or copying: http://archlinux.mirror.kangaroot.net/iso/latest/archlinux-2017.01.01-dual.iso ==> parallels-iso: Starting HTTP server on port 8240 ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings... ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive... ==> parallels-iso: Setting the boot order... ==> parallels-iso: Attaching ISO to the default CD/DVD ROM device... ==> parallels-iso: Attaching Parallels Tools ISO to the new CD/DVD drive... ==> parallels-iso: Starting the virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Waiting 5s for boot... ==> parallels-iso: Host IP for the Parallels machine: ==> parallels-iso: Typing the boot command... ==> parallels-iso: Error sending boot command: prltype error: Traceback (most recent call last): ==> parallels-iso: File "/var/folders/0m/pbbfbtd97rb7qr_xzrlpw5q00000gn/T/prltype657273017", line 3, in <module> ==> parallels-iso: import prlsdkapi ==> parallels-iso: ImportError: No module named prlsdkapi ==> parallels-iso: Unregistering virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Deleting output directory... Build 'parallels-iso' errored: Error sending boot command: prltype error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/folders/0m/pbbfbtd97rb7qr_xzrlpw5q00000gn/T/prltype657273017", line 3, in <module> import prlsdkapi ImportError: No module named prlsdkapi ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> parallels-iso: Error sending boot command: prltype error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/folders/0m/pbbfbtd97rb7qr_xzrlpw5q00000gn/T/prltype657273017", line 3, in <module> import prlsdkapi ImportError: No module named prlsdkapi ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.I installed vagrant-parallels again hoping that it might help fix things but it did not. Any thoughts on what I should try next?
Hi, You just need to install "Parallels Virtualization SDK for Mac". You can download the latest DMG bundle by this link: http://www.parallels.com/download/pvsdk/ Or you can also install it via homebrew (if you use it): Code: brew cask install parallels-virtualization-sdk This SDK includes "prlsdkapi" module. It will be installed in to your system's Python environment and then Packer should work fine. P.s. This SDK is mentioned as a requirement on the Packer doc page for Parallels builders but yeah, it's not so obvious and the error message is not so informative. Sorry about that
Thank you for the quick response. I should have read the instructions more carefully. Things are working just fine now.