Executing batch file in Parallels MacOS

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MelvinaN, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. MelvinaN

    MelvinaN Junior Member

    I am running Parallels over Mac. I have the following batch file that uses amtp_adm.exe to run the script 0.aas where I store the execution of it in output.txt


    amtp_adm.exe 0.aas > output.txt
    amtp_adm.exe 50.aas > output.txt
    I am using Powershell to run the batch file: ./SCP.bat I got the following error

    PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\.psf\AllFiles\Volumes\Data\CSP\I. SFC> .\Execute_CSP_SFC.bat
    '\\.psf\AllFiles\Volumes\Data\CSP\I. SFC\I. SFC'
    CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
    UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.

    C:\Windows>\AllFiles\Volumes\Data\CSP\I. SFC\I. SFC ./amtp_adm.exe ./0.aas 1>output.txt
  2. MelvinaN

    MelvinaN Junior Member

    HI, guys if you are facing same problem, i have found the answer, you need to map a drive to the share or copy the files locally to run it protigwelders

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