External hard drive not seeing on Mac but works on Windows VMs

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by JulijaJ, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. JulijaJ

    JulijaJ Bit poster

    I use few USB external hard drives.
    Before using Parallels all my drives was available for read-only mode (NTFS file system). After adding it for VM Windows 11, they was available in VM but now they are not displaying on Mac. I try to reset settings (Devices -> Mount it on Mac; also Ask me what to do) but system not asking where mount device (on mac or VM). So I can't working with external hard drive on Mac, only on VM. What should I do?
  2. MehmetK6

    MehmetK6 Bit poster

    I am experiencing the same problem. I connected my external device to Windows 11 in Parallels, and then ejected it gracefully. Now, whenever I connect the external device to Mac OS Ventura, it appears in Disk Utility but there is no way to mount it. It can only connect to Windows now. Very disappointing. Still looking for a solution, please provide one.
  3. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    Thank you for reaching out to Parallels.
    As a possible solution, please perform the following steps:
    1. Right-click on Parallels Desktop > Preferences > Devices.
    2. Select "Ask me what to do"
    3. Under Permanent assignments, remove your external device from the list.
    4. Unplug your external device and plug it again.
    5. When you plug the device, you should be prompted to connect your device to either your Mac or Virtual machine. Select your Mac.
    6. Now you should be able to access your external device through the Mac.
  4. MichaelS216

    MichaelS216 Bit poster

    I am a new Parallels user with an external hard drive on my MacBook Air M3. I tried the steps above, but the virtual Windows 11 always takes exclusive access to my external drive. The only way I can see the external drive on my Mac is to shut down the virtual machine. Any suggestions?

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