Failure after latest update

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JeffE3, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    Hi, I accepted the latest Parallels update (foolishly! it was working great) and now cannot use my Win10 partition at all. Has anyone experienced this? Mac OS 10.11.1, latest Win10 Preview. Win puts up its splash screen but fails with the error "...cannot access \\Mac\Home\Desktop Error code 0x80070035 The network path was not found.
    Shutting down Parallels and restarting doesn't help. Anyone have ideas?
  2. Hi JeffE3. Please start the virtual machine. Select Actions (from the Mac menu bar) -> Reinstall Parallels Tools and check if it helps.
  3. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    I appreciate your help - I did solve it, though I'm not sure if it was just chance or what. After a number of restarts that didn't get me past the Win10 splash screen I happened to look in the Window menu and chose the Control Center. Selecting the Win10 image in the Control Center brought it back into action.
  4. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    p.s. One serious issue remains: I see that the clipboard is no longer shared between the Mac and PC partitions. The option to share clipboard is still checked in the Parallels options, but I can't paste copied text from Xcode to Visual Studio as I used to do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2018
  5. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    Actually it's still messed up, sorry. I tried to reinstall Parallels Tools in an attempt to fix the clipboard problem, but I get the same error, "Cannot access \\Mac\Home..." Directories shared with the Mac are no longer available. No idea how to get past this.
  6. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    Hi - I suppose there may be no response over the weekend, but just in case: this is not resolved and I would love it if you have any ideas about restoring the connection with the Mac's directories and the Mac clipboard. Parallels Tools cannot be reinstalled because this issue prevents that. "Share Mac Clipboard" is turned on, etc.
  7. Please follow the steps from this article and check if it helps.
  8. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    Thanks - still can't get it to go. The Desktop folder on the Mac is correctly located at Users/myname/Desktop. What I don't get is: why did the Parallels update cause this disconnect? Worked just fine until the moment I installed the update.
  9. JeffE3

    JeffE3 Bit poster

    Here's an idea: What steps could I take to preserve my win system with all its apps and data, but completely delete and replace Parallels with a fresh copy?
  10. jimcoyle

    jimcoyle Hunter

    Similar to this - I had to re-register Parallels, then Windows 10 would not start up until I ignored the repair options and just had it continue. Unfortunately it looks like this is a return to Parallels' bad-old-buggy-days.

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