Feature Suggestions

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by nerdpatrol, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. nerdpatrol

    nerdpatrol Guest

    I would like to suggest a few features I'd like to see:

    Built-in password changing. ISSUE: User is required to log in to get list of apps, but when required to change password (expired) is unable to log in at all. Need full desktop to change password at all with built in functionality.

    Local Links. ISSUE: User cannot log in, so links to support sites/password changing web sites appear that will launch from local machine. Possibly in a smaller section of the GUI. Possibly in the main area if login fails or network issues occur.

    Logs/Load Balancer Status page exports to .XML for ease in locating logged in users and for populating status pages for network ops centers.

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