Fedora 25 black screen after installation of Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by LeoB2, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Here's what's happening: the dkms build process actually works from prl_mod.tar.gz, not the already expanded source. Recommend doing the following:
    > su [enter root password]
    > cd /usr/src/parallels-tools-
    > nano prl_fs/SharedFolders/Guest/Linux/prl_fs/inode.c [make your edits and save it]
    > mv prl_mod.tar.gz prl_mod.tar.gz.old [just so the original doesn't get destroyed and you have to go back]
    > tar cvpf prl_mod.tar . [create the initial tarball, then gzip it...]
    > gzip prl_mod.tar [this will create the new prl_mod.tar.gz containing your edits]
    > dkms build parallels-tools/
    > dkms install parallels-tools/
    Yeah, it's a kind of screwy way of going about things, but I'm sure there's a good reason for it somewhere.
    Incidentally that's a Linux kernel module thing, not Parallels.
  2. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Postscript... this also needs to be done for F24 as it just went to kernel 4.10.6 as well.
  3. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Thanks, Mark, this is helpful! Unfortunately my case is that of a fresh Fedora 25 install, so Parallels tools have never been installed, so /usr/src/parall.. doesn't exist yet. Could you or somebody describe the manual steps for a first install, i.d. everything leading up to editing something in /usr/src/parall...

    I mean not *everything*. Let's assume the user is able to mount the linux-tools disk-image. But now the data is on a read-only media and dkms has never run before for ptools.
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  4. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    1. Boot into Linux as root.
    2. Ctrl-Opt the cursor back into Parallels, and select the "cdrom" icon up top. Make sure it's pointing to prl_tools_lin.iso as virtual CD, then click back into Linux.
    3. Mount the CD: > mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    4. Enter the kmods directory of the CD: > cd /mnt/cdrom/kmods
    5. Create a working folder: > mkdir /usr/src/parallels-tools-
    6. Copy the module there: > cp /mnt/cdrom/kmods/prl_mod.tar.gz /usr/src/parallels-tools-
    7. Go there: > cd /usr/src/parallels-tools-
    8. Un-gzip/un-tar it: > tar xvpzf prl_mod.tar.gz .
    9. Add the module to dkms so it can find it:> dkms add parallels-tools/ /usr/src/parallels-tools-
    Note: I'm unsure if it needs just the path or both the path and filename included for 'dkms add'. I always forget b/c I don't do it that often. But this should get you close to where you can do the procedure above.
  5. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Thank you again Mark, this was helpful. So the gist of it:
    - copy the pt iso
    - extract prl_mod.tar.gz
    - edit the file
    - recompress the module file
    - create folder /usr/src/parallels-toos-
    - extract the edited module file there
    - register with dkms
    - build
    - install

    root or sudo is required for everything in /usr/src and operating dkms

    The procedure worked for me, but I got a error during build with exit_no 2
    As the build still completed, I tried my luck on to install -> works okay
    -> blackscreen

    So if anybody get to this point too:

    - ctrl-option-F2
    - login
    - uninstall the modules running `dkms uninstall paralle...`
    - reboot should work

    Mark, to register the modules the path is enough, no filename required, it seems ;)

    Maybe the problem is that in this setup the parallels tools installer has never run to the end, even if unsuccessful? So just installing the (edited) modules creates a state, in that other stuff is missing, that would be available had a parallels-tools install run before?

    Btw, problem with similar symptoms with current Debian 8, different but also annoying problem with OpenSuse. It is high time that Parallels adjusts to 2017. Everybody is connected to the internet, it is no problem to update the necessary data each time the tools installer is run... We are milled with bloat applications by Parallels but the core functionality (supporting different virtual machines) is neglected. And that for an App that charges more per year than microsoft office... It's a scandal, somebody has got completely wrong priorities at Parallels headquarters!
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  6. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I'm a little confused at the order you've done things as they don't seem the same as what I laid out. It's quite possible you may have overwritten the edited file with the original one in the tar.gz and then re-tar-zipped it back into the tarball that dkms needs. You might want to check what was in there prior to any dkms operations.

    Also trying to remember if there were any other edits (noted earlier in this thread) that need to be done to ensure this works, as I believe this was just to fix 4.10.x kernels.
  7. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Thanks for your consideration. I double checked twice if the file in the /usr/src/... folder was the edited one, and it was. I think something else must be in the game too.... Thank you for your help, Mark... I appreciate it, but I do not appreciate that Parallels keeps people in the forum doing their debugging work for them. I'll wait now, this is too time consuming... Thanks again...
  8. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

  9. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    There's an update available for Parallels (12.2.0 (41591)) that works with F25 requiring no code modifications. This should specifically be helpful to you, @RainerS1.

    No longer needs "devices.usb.mouse=2" in the boot flags, either, so they've fixed the PS/2 default as well.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  10. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Thank you @Mark Fine , I can confirm, it can be made work well relatively easily now:
    - Parallels tools install properly now (although you have to run the install script manually. The cd is mounted in /run/media/<username>
    At this point, if you have the default gnome shell enabled, you will end in a login - loop that seems to disallow you to login (also automatic login doesn't work). This is because Parallels doesn't support Wayland yet. But the workaround is quite easy:
    - log in with the Gnome Classic shell (you can select it via the little gear next to the signin button)
    - with sudo edit /etc/gdm/custom.com
    - uncomment the line that says WaylandEnable=false
    - Reboot and you're back in the game (if Wayland isn't important for you ;) ).

    Glad it works now! (also the problems I had with Debian 8 and OpenSuse 42 (missing cursor) are gone now...

  11. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Heh.. forgot about the "Gnome Classic" part, but "Gnome on Xorg" option works just as well without modifying gdm.
  12. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Yup, both Gnome Classic and Gnome on Xorg allow to login, and after disabling Wayland, even the default shell, which looks a bit hipper ;) works...
  13. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    ...Now if it would stop the kerneloops on bootup and the desktop icons were stable we'd be 100%.
  14. AlbertoP2

    AlbertoP2 Bit poster

    Tested new parallels tools version. Solved both problems for me too. In fact, it seems it soves an issue, because after changing devices.usb.mouse=2 left click in my mouse seemed to fail frequently. Sometimes I needed to suspend my VM and resume it again to get my mouse working fine again. Today, this issue did not reproduce until now.
  15. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Not sure what you mean my kerneloops, but my boot sequence seems to be okay. The usual acpi failure and then it goes up... Unstable desktop icons? I have none ;) Isn't that the Gnome esthetics ;) ?
  16. Mickle

    Mickle Bit poster

    After updating to Parallels 12.2.0 and doing a fresh install of Fedora 25, everything is working great for me. In fact, Wayland seems a lot smoother than Xorg now! :) Big thanks to the Parallels team!
  17. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are happy to see your comments. Feel free to reach us anytime for support.
  18. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Screenshot from 2017-04-08 07-52-19.png
    Regarding the kerneloops:
    Think this started with kernel 4.9.x on F24, but not really sure when.
    It's only annoying because it builds up the abrt/oops records.
    Can bring it up after every start from the Parallels Control Center via abrt. If I clear them out, I'll even get a toolbar message after the next run.

    Regarding the screen icons:
    I'm pretty sure that's a Gnome Wayland vs. Xorg thing too. Just liked having something handy on the screen to get to a file listing or terminal (had an aliased icon on desktop for that).
  19. TonyR4

    TonyR4 Bit poster

    Broken again! Started yesterday to try to install Fedora using Parallels Wizard. Got upgraded to 4.10.9-100 and booted (crashing once sending a log to Parallels) then finally booted only to get a new Fedora update notification which upgraded to 4.10.9-200.fc25.x86_64. This is where I am (mostly) stuck with a flashing black screen which eventually stops.
    Screen Shot 2017-04-16 at 2.43.25 PM.png
    [FAILED] Failed to start Parallels Tools OpenGL switcher.

    Reading here I was able to alt-F2 to login but wasn't exactly sure what to do next. If anything, I would expect the wizard to be a clean install of the virtual working machine because I have to try to figure out how to eventually install Xilinx ISE 14.7 which I haven't been able to get to work in Debian or Ubuntu.

    A fix from Parallels would be appreciated or some clear instructions for someone who only knows a few of the basics.

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