Fedora Silverblue and Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Parallels User, May 15, 2020.

  1. Hi,

    Has anyone figured out how to install Parallels Tools in Fedora Silverblue 32? The default install works just fine with respect to resolution. I get a nice fullscreen for GNOME. The performance seems pretty good but I want Tools so I can share folders between macOS and Silverblue. The Tools installer complains about not being able to create "/usr/lib/parallels-tools" because "/usr/lib" is immutable in Silverblue.

    Welcome any suggestions.

  2. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I would think that if you did the tools mods for Kernel 5.6 they would work for the Silverblue distro. See the thread on this from earlier.
  3. Thanks for the tip Mark. You read my mind. My next move was to try and unzip the pr_mod.tar.gzl and apply the patch AvinashM supplied in the other thread or at least make the modifications manually, rezip and see what happened. I am trying this in the Parallels 16 Technical Preview Rev 2.

  4. GregS40

    GregS40 Bit poster

    Anyone figure out how to get this working? Maybe a guide?

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