I am struggling with file sharing between Parallels and MAC OS. I have no problem seeing the Windows files from the Finder, but I just cannot make it work the other way round to be able to see MAC OS files from Windows Explorer. I believe they are meant to appear in 'My Network Places' but that is just empty. I am running 3.0 but had the same problem with version 2.
Does this work for anyone else. I've got two machines with PArallels on and the same problem on both.
Perhaps if you explain your problem in a little more detail someone might be able to give you an answer. David
Menu >> Parallels Desktop >> Devices >>Shared Folders >> Add I include my Mac Desktop file (under Users my own user name) and any hard disks internal or external do a test drag and drop from Mac Desk to the Windows one and ALWAYS save your Windows work in the shared folders Hugh W