Hi! When I try to filter applications by username or user group the applications is not visible for anyone, not even the users in the specific applications filter list. Is there something I need to add to make the filtering by user to work?
Hi there, If you are only using user filtering, make sure that "Allow the following Clients" is off and "Allow the folowing IPs" is off too. Make sure that the users / groups you are filtering with can be authenticated in the doamin listed in the "Conenction Settings", "Connection", "Authentication", section. Regards Nixu
Multipel domains I'm also having problems with filterings on published applications. We are testing the use of 2x Application Server in a hosted enviroment. Let me explain: In Domain A we have a terminal server where we have 2x installed. I create either a domain local or a universal group in the domain where I add users from Domain B in the same forrest. I also add a user from Domain A to the same group. When the user the user from Domain B logs on using the 2x Client, no application is shown. If the user form Domain A logs on the correct applications are shown. Also, since we are in a hosted enviropment I would like to be abel to specify the domains that have access to the 2x server. Today it seems taht I either have to show one specific domain or all the domains in the forrest. Best regards, Johan Christensson, Core Integration
can't filter by user too I am also having problem filtering by user. The apps is not published even when the correct user is login I have turn off Client and IP filtering I have even turn off Authentication by Domain because we are running in Workgroup mode. Even when login as the permitted publish user of the terminal server, the apps does not appear but other apps not under filter will appear without problem Is filtering by user only work under Domain mode?
Same problem here - even with the new .197 build that supposedly should fix some filtering issues. No matter what I put in the user/group field makes the app invisible to all users.
I'm having the same problem. Stats: Build 197 Server: NT2003 SP1 x32 w/all patches Client: XP Pro SP2 w/all patches. Domain: 2000 AD. Client and IP access is off for all applications. Problem = Published app 1: Global group A has user access. Global Group A has Global Group B as a member. Members of global group B don't see the published app. Published App 2: Global Group B has user access. Users in Global Group B see the published app. It appears nesting of global groups is not working.
Re: can't filter by user too Filtering works with workgroup too. If the machine where you installed 2X Application server is in a workgroup you can press the default button in the Authentication section. This will authenticate your users with those in the workgroup. Nixu
Next release is version 5 (End or march). Although nested groups was not planned for this realese we might push it in too Nixu
Please do. Nesting of global groups is a common way to manage user permissions. Without it our management load goes way up.
This issue has been found too. Hopfully this will be sloved together with the Group in Group issue. Nixu
I have that set as well as "Use client domain if specified" and our domain selected. It works well for all the users in global security group I've set up in the filter (not groups nested in that group though).
How about setting up a poll in this forum so that we may vote on most wanted features? Personally I'd give my left arm to see extended desktop support