Hi all, I have tried to search for my problem on the forum but couldn't find a matching thread, maybe because the search term with the number is too short. So, I have a problem with two virtual machines I use. One is Windows XP and the other is my Windows 7. I need both to run older software. When I try to make a backup of these machine, my initial procedure was to just copy the PVM-files to an USB-Stick or external drive, but the copy-process results in the "Error -36" from Finder. I then tried to compress the Pam into a zip but that results in a Finder error 0. I also tried to use rsync to copy the Pam files to an external drive but this would end in an "Input/output error (5)". I tried different external drives and USB-Sticks but always have the same error. I also tried the prl_disk_tool with the check option but it says everything is okay. The virtual machines boot up like normal it's just that I can't back them up anymore. Is there a solution to this?
Oh, btw I also ran a check of the systems disk of Mac OS but it says that there are no problems with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hi Maria, yeah, still the same problem. I ran Scandisk on the virtual machine and parallels told me that there was an error reading/writing the harddrive 0 of the virtual machine and that I should run the Mac OS disk utility (already did that without any errors). The VM still boots up normally but I still can't back it up and I fear that it might fail soon. How can I repair it?
Could you please try the following: 1. Make a backup copy of your VM 2. Create new empty VM 3. Add your hard drive (from your first VM) to the new empty one and start the new one Let me know the results.
Hi Maria, thanks for the feedback. The first step of making a backup of the VM is already the point were I fail, as I can't copy or zip the VM, wether per finder, nor per terminal Maybe I find enough courage to try it with the one VM I have.
Hi Maria, okay, I could create an empty VM and add the .hdd-file from the .pvm file of the original vm to it. The new vm is rather small (a few MB) and the harddiskfile wasn't copied into it. So I assume it is now using the "old" hdd to boot up. How do I now make a backup of my VM?
Maybe this error message help: Unfortunately it's in German language, but maybe you'll recognise the message.
Coincidentally I freshly installed a Windows 10 on my system and wanted to backup the new install and have the same error here. As mentioned earlier, the Mac OS system disk seems to be okay as of feedback from the disk utility.
I have the exact same problem and get the following error when attempting to copy the file to a brand new external drive. The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "Windows 7 x64.pvm" can't be read or written. (Error code -36) Like the OP my source disk drive checks-out fine and I've tried copying to other drives and and also differently formatted partitions with no success. I just upgraded to High Sierra and curiously was able to copy the Pvm before on Mountain Lion so I believe firmly this is a mac issue. The only clue is I'm down to 29GB and the pvm is 56GB so I'm wondering if there's some disk caching capacity limitation that's breaking the copy (curiously time machine also errors-out). I'm certain it's not a parallels issues but impossibly unfortunate that the pvm can't be backed-up the only remedy is to toss the existing pvm which is unacceptable. I plan to continue cracking away at this as I believe there must be a solution that's eluding everyone.
Did anyone get a solution ? I just managed to copy four .pvm files together with other non-Parallels files from an internal SSD to a new external hard drive. Erased the internal SSD and re-initialised. Cannot copy the .pvm files back to the internal SSD. Each file starts to copy, makes some progress, and then fails with the Finder 36 error. Other large non-Parallels files copy back ok. Beginning to think something has happened to permissions on individual files within the .pvm packages ? Anyone know what these should be ? Running Catalina. Thanks