[Fixed on V20.2.0] Mouse pointer location offset in Windows VM when using multiple external monitors

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by W__8, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. W__8

    W__8 Bit poster

    Hi all,

    (the 2nd section below describe the actual situation in math way and I think it gives better understanding for the dev. to figure out the issue)
    I have encountered the issue that when I connected two external monitors to my M4 Macbook Pro (even with lid open/close), the mouse pointer displayed on screen and its actual location has an offset. Such that, when my cursor (displayed on screen) points to the target location that supposed to click on, the actual clicked location is different (/mismatch/offset) to the on screen cursor location.

    I tried re-install the Parallels tools in the Windows VM, but nothing changed.

    I could only use the `Win + P` and switch to display on either monitor (PC Only / Second monitor Only (screenshot below)), and the cursor location is matching with the one shown on screen.

    I tried to disable and enable the `Use All Display in Full Screen`, but the issue persists.

    I also tried to enable Coherence mode / full screen / windowed, and still, the problem exist.

    Just figured out how the offset works:
    the cursor display on screen is mapped to one window in Windows VM only.
    1. Windows VM has two screen connected with extend mode.
    2. Windows VM is entered Full screen mode with `Use all display in full screen` enabled & Retina resolution set to Best for external display.
    3. Windows VM resolution (display 1 (main display): 2560x1440, display2: 2560x1440, total: 5120x1440)
    4. cursor location changes (x, y) coordinate (estimated):
    4.1 on screen location (0, 720) : mapped to (0, 720) in Windows VM
    4.2 on screen location (100, 720) : mapped to (50, 720) in Windows VM
    4.3 on screen location (200, 720) : mapped to (100, 720) in Windows VM
    4.4 on screen location (3840, 720) (cursor on display 2's mid way now) : mapped to (1920, 720) in Windows VM
    4.5 on screen location (5120, 720) (cursor on display 2's edge now) : mapped to (2560, 720) in Windows VM
    I can never reach the cursor in Windows VM to the display 2 (location >2560) even I saw my cursor is already on display 2.

    In conclusion, seems the offset (for my case, 2 monitor with same resolution) is:
    (X-axis of the cursor on screen * 50%) = (X-axis of the cursor actual location in Windows VM)
    and I guess if more monitor, the offset will be (* 1/3, *1/4, *1/5, and so on).

    Many Thanks.
  2. W__8

    W__8 Bit poster

    As an additional information, I found that when I click on the PD icon on the system menu bar on MacOS, the pop-up (/drop down) menu pops on the display 1 (main display on Mac), however, I was actually clicked the PD icon on display 2.

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